How to Think Like a Headhunter to Find Your Dream Job!
In this ever changing world, we need to think out of the box to get ahead. This true for anything you do in life. If you want to succeed you will need to be creative. People every day are coming up with new ideas on starting a business, a new craft, hobbies etc. The same hold true for a job search. If you want to land your dream job, you too will have to learn to accomplish this. Many people have been creative with job searches through out history. Although I wouldn't recommend trying many of the ways people have used. They were all examples of people being creative. One man trying to break into the advertising field actually delivered a pizza to the employer with his resume in the pizza box. He had the manager's name and told the secretary this pizza was for the creative director and he had to deliver it personally. Imagine the surprise when the director opened the pizza box with a greasy resume inside. Did this person get hired? I am not sure of the ending of the story. Would I recommend doing this? Nope. This person was in a highly creative field and was thinking out of the box to get the job he wanted. This is just an example of what not to do but how to think. In your job search you will have to try many ways to get to the employer. If one idea does not work then you will need to move on and try another one. Pining over an idea that didn't work will cost you time. You can't just sit there if you want a better life. You have to get up and do something about it. Make your self sit down and come up with ideas on how to find your dream job. Too often people in life procrastinate and never get where they want. Don't let this happen to you. Learn to think out of the box anyway you can. Join creative groups or talk with the friends you consider most creative. Learning to be creative is not easy for everyone but you can learn how to do it. How to think out of the box Remember when you were a child and you had to make some things for school. Everyone had to at one time or another. Take yourself back to that time. Think what you did and how you did it. Try and relive the experience. Once you do this you will be on you way to think creatively and out of the box. Apply the same thing to your job search. Ask yourself questions like how can I make my job search better. Who do I need to talk to etc? One tip. Human resources is not the first place you should start. Getting out there and doing it! You need to get out there and do it. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Mistakes are a part of life. You will stumble from time to time, but you can't be afraid. If you are afraid! You are only limiting yourself. Stand up and say I am not taking this anymore. Todd Jirecek is the Author of Headhunting Secrets Revealed http://www.headhuntingsecrets.com
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Work With Us National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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Careers West Virginia Department of Education
How To Get A Job Fast
In today's unpredictable economy, the idea of job security with any company would seem to be a thing of the past. Large company layoffs, golden handshakes, mergers, leveraged buyouts, company acquisitions and similar business moves have left people of all ages out of a job they need to live.
The Top 10 Ways to Achieve Balance in Your Life
1. Define Success for YourselfClarify and write down what success means for you.
Layoff Survival Guide - Do You Have The Career Management Horsepower It Will Take To Survive?
In a recent survey of over 662 career seekers, some disturbing trends identified that MOST career seekers don't have a clue what career management skills they have or what those skills are! As a result, it will be difficult for these career seekers to succeed.In fact, only 71% of the respondents recognized they had any career management skills at all! That's why they are particularly vulnerable to future layoffsBefore skipping to the answers, try your hand at identifying YOUR career management skills.
Your Value Proposition: A Critical Component To Having A Successful Job Search
Your value proposition is a series of statements defining your worth. It is the value you bring to the table - the skills, strengths, core competencies, marketable assets and accomplishments you can declare as your own.
Discover What You Really Want To Do
Are you doing what you really want to do or did you just fall or wander into the job you now have. As a friend of ours once said,' I am one of twenty two doctors in our family.
Youre Bright And Talented -- TooT Your Own Horn --
Obviously, there are RIGHT ways to move UP the ladder. Being in the right place certainly has tremendous benefits.
The Perfect Resume
The perfect resume presents hiring managers with a four-fold vision of who you are and what you bring to the table:
The perfect resume offers Logical Proofs:
Quantifiable data
Logical conclusions
Achievement and success statements
Relevant professional goals/accomplishments
Limits the use of jargon
Maximizes use of occupation/industry-specific key words
Your capabilities and skills
Clear, specific, measurable, and quantifiable words and phrases
Sells you based on your achievements to date
The perfect resume offers Your Vision & Creativity:
Balanced white space
Visually easy to read
A resume style and paper consistent with your self-marketing vision
Clear big picture of who you are
Sells you based on your potential
Examples of your creativity relating to your targeted position
Your vision of your role and your capacity to contribute
The perfect resume offers Sensible Organization:
Easy-to-follow resume structure
Presents relevant historical information in reverse chronological order
Places the most relevant/marketable data early in the resume
Omits what cannot be proved
Is error-free
Is neatly laid-out and word processed
Stretches to the appropriate length for someone of your experience (one page for up to 10 years of experience; 2 pages for up to 15 years of experience, and 3 pages for senior-level positions demanding over 15 years of experience)
Sells your past
The perfect resume offers Your Personality and Values:
Stresses your interpersonal/written communication skills
Describes your teamwork skills and cites examples of your cross-functionality
Highlights your work-related values
Showcases your work-related personality
Previews who you are
Emphasizes your uniqueness
Is enjoyable to read
Sells who you are
Why not review your resume by comparing it with these four critical categories? You may discover why your resume isn't winning you the interview response you'd hoped for with hiring managers.Cheryl Lynch Simpson is a Spiritual Director and Solutions Coach who helps women discover and create the life they've always wanted to live.
Networking Masterclass - Part 2 Practicing Altruism
Practicing AltruismThe 'Golden Rule' occurred in the Greek and Chinese cultures thousands of years before the Christian era: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The spirit of the Golden Rule is one of generosity and altruism and is at the heart of any personal networking and 'right' living.
The Five Most Common - And Most Avoidable - Rsum Errors
Writing an effective rsum can certainly be challenging. There are numerous rules and none of them apply 100% of the time.
The 4 Job Search Facts You Need To Know!
Are you harboring bitterness or anger towards your current or past employer?Do you find it difficult to be upbeat when interviewing or networking because of past job experiences?Have you spent sleepless nights worrying about how to explain your choppy resume?If you are currently in the job market, you need to dump this baggage fast!Here are 4 key job search facts you need to know:Fact #1:Your past employer is not investing hours in a personal vendetta against you.Fact #2:Employers know that the demise of dot.
Job Interviews: Succeeding With Panel Interviews
These days, job interviews often consist of a panel of three-to-six interviewers.A "team approach" to finding the best candidate can be beneficial for the employer.
Staying In The Game
The message came from Human Resources. There's nothing to worry about with the newly announced organizational changes and pending merger, it reassured.
Job Search Blurts
I coined this word to draw attention to the nervous and apprehensive way of saying something in the job search that makes you feel like a buffoon. A "blurt" is a catchy way of saing: Gaffe.
Kill the Hype
She was waiting for me when I returned from a meeting. Standing outside my office door, I could tell by her downward glance, Jodie was not there to give me good news on the project.
Intuition: The Secret To Your Career Success
For far too long, we moderns have relied on our analytical/logical brain to make important life decisions. It is my belief that our imaginative/creative brain holds the key to better, smarter and more soulful decisions.
Online Resume Tips and Secrets
I manage a website for corporate flight attendants that features resumes prominently listed on the first page of the site. Unlike some careers, corporate flight attendants must promote themselves overtly in order to find work especially if they are contractors.
Learn How To Succeed At Career Fairs
This career article will give you some great tips on successfully navigating thru career fairs.This issue will quickly cover the following:A) Purpose of Career FairsB) How To Best PrepareC) Tips & Strategies During The FairD) Career Fair Follow-UpA) PURPOSE OF CAREER FAIRSCareer fairs are designed to provide job seekers a way to explorecareer opportunities within a variety of companies at one location.
Risk-taking - Get Your Feet Wet!
We often use the phrase, "Get Your Feet Wet" when we are just beginning to learn how to do something or are about to pioneer a new initiative. When we participate in a project for the first time, there is usually a hesitancy to step out into the unknown.
How to Become a Real Estate Agent
If you're wondering how to become a real estate agent, the basic process is fairly simple, although it does vary a lot from state to state..
Why Do Interviews Die: That Sinking Feeling and How to Prevent it!
Interviews die because a mistake occurred. Sometimes, you've made a mistake; sometimes they die because someone who screened a resume did.