Pre-Employment Tests: Information from Career Consulting Limited
What To Expect From Pre-Employment Tests...
The Different Types Of Tests
Pre-employment testing is commonly used by employers to screen out unsuitable job applicants.
In the United States more than 30% of companies reportedly use pre-employment tests to help make hiring decisions. Used in conjunction with the interview process employment testing enables the employer to pin-point any areas of concern with regard to the applicant's ability and suitability for the position. A valid and reliable pre employment
evaluation is objective and a good tool for ensuring that the final employment selection is based on the applicant's ability to successfully perform in the job and not on any prejudice, bias or assumption.
There are many different types of pre employment tests but the most frequently used tests fall into these five categories - personality tests, skills tests, aptitude tests, integrity tests and drug tests.
Personality Tests
Personality tests measure the personality characteristics of job applicants that are related to successful job performance. Typically they measure one or more of five personality dimensions: extroversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience. The test format can vary from a brief written test to a long psychological examination. Personality tests have no "right" answers and cannot be prepared for. Applicants should answer honestly and not attempt to manipulate their answers to fit what they think the employer wants for two reasons. Firstly the tests contain validity scales that are designed to detect inconsistent and fake answers. This will be viewed as dishonest by prospective employers. Secondly applicants are misleading both themselves and the employer about their suitability for the job and are unlikely to be either happy or successful in the position. An example Personality Test - get a free report.
Online Career Tests & The Definition of Career Personality
Felicitas Heyne, developer and founder of the iPersonic Personality Test is a well-known psychologist and book-author. She has written numerous articles on personality development and appeared on various radio and television programs. She is an international affiliate of the American Psychological Association (APA) and member of the German Psychological Association (BDP). Take the free test right here on this page by comparing the two sets of statements:
Skills Tests
This is perhaps the most common type of pre employment testing. Applicants are required to demonstrate the skills needed for the job and confirm the job-related skills they say they have. Skills tests can range from a simple typing test, writing a report, lifting a heavy object to a complicated mechanical design. Some skills tests can be prepared for. Know which skills you will require on the job and practice these. Practice tests for typing and computer skills are available online.
Skills tests are considered acceptable if they genuinely test a skill needed for the job.
Aptitude Tests
These employment tests explore an applicant's abilities such as reasoning, numerical, wiring or verbal skills. They differ from skills tests in that they are used to determine an applicant's ability to learn and be trained in the required skills for the job while a skills test assesses existing skill levels.
Aptitude tests will tell an employer how quickly an applicant may be expected to learn to do the job tasks to a satisfactory level. There are general aptitude test referred to as IQ or intelligence tests and also tests for specific aptitudes such as mechanical aptitude.
Integrity Tests
Dishonesty in the workplace is a business reality. An integrity test explores an applicant's honesty and trustworthiness. Questions are designed to evaluate the applicant's attitude to drug and alcohol abuse, abuse of company resources such as phones, internet, email and vehicles, the confidentiality of company information and data, the stealing of company property such as stationery, telling "white lies", and the approach to work ethic criteria such as time keeping and taking breaks.
Pre Employment Drug Test
The US Department of Labor has estimated that drug use in the workplace costs employers up to $100 billion dollars annually in lost work time, accidents, health care costs and workers compensation costs. As a result a large number of employers require applicants to have a drug test as part of their pre employment testing process.
An employer can have a program for testing job applicants for drug usage as long as it is administered fairly and consistently and is in line with federal and state laws. The laws concerning employment drug screening vary from state to state and some states require that employers may only test applicants once they have been formally offered a position conditional on a negative drug test.
The most common drug tests involve applicants going to a collection site where a urine sample is obtained and then sent to a certified laboratory for analysis. The standard drug test is called a "Five-Screen" and tests for 5 types of street drugs - marijuana, cocaine, PCP (Phencylidine), opiates such as heroin and morphine, and amphetamines. Urine drug testing is popular with employers because it is reliable, inexpensive and non- intrusive. Test results are usually available within 24 to 48 hours. Other testing methods such as hair testing, blood tests, breath tests and saliva testing are also used.
Job applicants are likely to be required to undergo some form of pre employment testing. Although the amount of preparation that can be done for these tests is limited it will benefit applicants greatly to understand the type of tests they can expect.
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