Career Discovery - Pinpoint Your Ideal Career
Determine your ideal career--one that's in alignment withyour values, passions, and talents--and discover the workyou were born to do Career discovery is the process by which a person identifiestheir ideal career path, thus saving themselves a lot oftime (and money) by not pursuing career choices that theywill ultimately find unfulfilling. To find your truecalling, you need to dig around and find the things that areimportant to you--now, and in the future. Career discovery is an important process, and one of thoseskills they don't really teach in high school or college.Career counselors in school mainly focus on accessing yourskills and trying to match them up with the appropriatecareer field. This can work fine for some people, but othersfind that their values and beliefs change over time, andthey discover that what they thought they wanted in a careerwhen they were 20 isn't necessarily what they want whenthey're 40. To find a career that fits your core beliefs, values, andskills, you really need to do an in-depth evaluation ofyourself. What do you find fulfilling in life? What areyour priorities? What's your "life purpose?" Whatmotivates and interests you? What skills, knowledge andabilities to you posses? And what could you get excitedabout learning in the future? Some other important considerations: Do you work well alone, or do you need the energy andinteraction of a group of co-workers? Are you comfortable with the financial ups and downs thatcan come with self-employment, or do you need the securityof a steady paycheck? Do you enjoy working long hours, or would you rather be in acareer that allows you a lot of free time to spend with yourfamily and friends? Do you like to commute long distances, or would you prefer ajob close to home? Would you enjoy working outdoors, or are you an office ratwho needs to be surrounded by four walls in order to beproductive? Do you really want a new career, or could you make yourpresent career acceptable with a few adjustments? Until you can answer most of these questions satisfactorily,I wouldn't recommend finalizing your career plans. Life isshort, as the old saying goes, and you don't want to wasteseveral years traveling down a career path only to discoverthat you've made the wrong choice. So do your homework, take a look inside your soul, anddiscover your true calling in life. Only then should youmove onto the process of formulating a new career strategy. Kent Johnson - author, publisher, career coach.Helping people realize their dreams one career at a time.Your Dream Career.com - your source for career tips and info==> http://your-dream-career.com
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Work With Us National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Careers Washington State University
Careers West Virginia Department of Education
Fear of Being Outsourced? Fight Back
Me, outsourced? Impossible. How could they replace a business-humor columnist? But my brother-in-law, the radiologist, told me his hospital was threatening to cut his position because they had found a medical group out of India that would read MRIs at half the cost.
Avoiding Tire Kickers as Job Seekers
With the economy heating up and employment prospects opening up after years of dormancy, it is more critical than ever for employers to understand that unfortunately, career "tire kickers" still exist in the marketplace. Demand for quality talent, especially at the senior executive level, still outweighs supply.
How To Find Quick, Free, Job Search Resurces
There are many free job search resources availablein any community, large or small. These resourcesare available to the aspiring CEO as well as to the person who wants to make sandwiches.
My Landscaping Business is Better Than Your Lanscaping Business...
Yesterday I was having a discussion with Mary who I know from a mother's group that I attend with my daughter Sammi. Through previous conversations I have determined that this woman is very talented in the areas of landscaping and interior design.
Writing A Resume That Gets You Noticed
As the old saying goes, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression." In today's business world, of course, that first impression usually does not come from a face-to-face conversation, but from whatever you can tell your future boss about yourself on paper: your resume.
CDL Practice Test - Offers Practice Tests To Prepare For The CDL Exam
As you take CDL practice test, you do become morefamiliar with the CDL test, and being familiarwith the test will make the actual test much lessstressful.In fact, if used correctly, CDL practice testcan be an extremely targeted study tool thatwill precisely pinpoint the areas in which you are weakest and then help you to learn how to combat and overcome those weaknesses.
Hospital Staff at Great Risk of Attack and Injury Whilst at Work
There are millions of people working extremely hard every day in the UK to ensure that the public are healthy and recover from illness or accidents. Countless medical staff around the country study hard to become doctors and nurses and then work long hours and endure stressful situations in order to save the lives of men women and children every day.
Helping Mid-Life Employees Find Meaning
People work to live, but most also live to work. A study on the meaning of work conducted back in 1987 revealed a strong attachment to work as a way of life.
Get That Job: Mastering Job Interviews
I've heard it said?in fact, it might well have been me that said it - there are few things more excruciating in professional life than the job interview. Job interviews are awful! Throughout my career I have attended many and conducted many more, and the truth is whether you are the candidate or the interviewer, job interviews are challenging and confronting and difficult - but you can not only survive but learn to be a masterful interviewee by developing an understanding of what it is the interviewer needs to see and learning to conduct yourself with clarity and confidence.
How To Get More Interviews In Your Job Search
Richard Bolles, job search guru and author of What Color Is Your Parachute? predicts that you can expect to search for work 1-2 months for every $10,000 you hope to earn. So, if you're looking for a $40,000 a year position, you may search for 4-8 months to land it.
How to Walk Away from an Opportunity thats Wrong for You
Q. I just finished a job interview.
Adapting To Change In A Changing World
Have you learnt a new skill or improved upon your existing skill in the last six months to one year?According to the world acclaimed management guru and Writer Professor Peter Drucker - "The only skill that will be important in the 21st century is the skill of learning news skills. Everything else will become obsolete over time.
Working with Recruiters: 5 Critical Words for Candidates
As professional recruiters working both retained and contingency search assignments, we spend a significant part of our effort preparing both the candidate and the client employer for prospective interviews. Preparing each side to meet and interact removes much of the predisposed tension that is inherent to the interview process on both sides.
Factual Employment Screening Part 1
We have all heard in recent years that the need for a substantive policy of conducting pre-and post-employment background checks exists in more than just defense contractor and fiduciary-based enterprises. Today, with the overwhelming preponderance of employer liability litigation, and with negligent hiring being the focal point of round-table discussions of some of the plaintiff's firms, the need for thorough background checks has been substantiated.
18 Career Enhancement Caveats
Core value investing in your careerMany people walk through their lives never, ever being better at something than anyone else. What is it that you know or do better than almost anyone else in the world? What is it that you do uniquely well? Do your core values for yourself and your family fit with what you are doing, where you are putting your energy, what you are developing, and where you are focusing/immersing yourself?In your career, as well as in your life, to achieve full capacity and happiness, all of you must be going in the same direction.
Defining Success Your Way!
In my career advising practice, I often find that my clients are not clear about what success means for them. Our society defines success primarily around three elements: power, money and fame.
Blogging for Candidates 101: Nuts and Bolts
A "blog" is simply an internet (web) log. Blogs are created for personal or professional use.
5 Things You Need To Know Before Deciding On A Certification Training
The right certification trainingTrainings vary a lot when it comes to quality. It's essential to choose your certification training provider based on things such as the quality of materials, trainers' competence and skills, counseling facilities, track record etc.
How to Get Paid More Without Being Pretty or Good Looking
Guess what. The results are out they are ugly.
How to Make Your Career Change Easier
Despite what your grandmother told you, life is not supposed to be a struggle. The same is true for making a career change.