Surprise! Accounting is the Hot New Major
There was a time when accounting was the boring college major that many people regretted signing up for. A constant barrage of numbers, statistics and spreadsheets was none too interesting. Boy, have times changed! Thanks to recent accounting scandals by companies like Enron, there is a high demand for accountants and auditors. According to the Job Outlook 2005 survey, accounting comes out on top as the most in-demand major on college campuses. Forget dot com start ups. Cleaning up a company's accounting books is what's in. But can accounting be sexy? "All the focus on accounting created a perception to students that accounting matters and is perhaps even sexy," says Ira Solomon, head of the department of accountancy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Colleges are scrambling to find more accounting teachers and professors to replace those retiring. Not an easy task, since there are twice as many accounting faculty openings than applicants to fill them. Here are the top 10 most in-demand college majors as surveyed by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE): AccountingElectrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringBusiness Administration/ManagementEconomics/FinanceComputer ScienceComputer EngineeringMarketing/Marketing ManagementChemical EngineeringInformation Sciences and SystemsIf you're good with numbers and a stickler for details, you might want to consider accounting as a good career choice. However, you'll probably have to take a number and wait in line behind all those other future accountant hopefuls. About The Author Copyright 2004 Donna Monday writes employment related articles for http://www.get-a-job-interview-quick-tips.com.
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The euphoria of getting a new job can sometimes be overcome by apprehension about what comes next. After all, you're "the new kid on the block," and there's much to learn--about your new job duties and much more.
How To Conduct A Successful Job Search Campaign
1.Define your objective: Know what kind of work you most enjoy and perform the best.
Consultants - If We Cant Laugh At Ourselves?
There are hundreds of varieties of Consultants these days. We can find Consultants to take care of our diets, our physical well being, our mental well being, and pretty much anything you can imagine when it comes to business.
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Most people when they landed "the dream job" after an interview or even got "the deal" of the lifetime in their businesses, sadly to say tend to slack on their grooming habits and it even goes to the point that they are wearing their pajamas going to the office. It seems that's very extreme but it happens.
How To Deal With A Nightmare Boss
It can happen to anyone. there's a change in the organization and -- suddenly -- you find yourself working for the boss from Hell.
Now, Do You Have Any Questions?
"Who is that hot babe in the picture?" isn't the type of reply an interviewer expects to hear when he or she invites you to ask questions near the end of an interview. In fact, the way you approach the Q&A session will have a direct impact on the interviewer's perception of you.
Job Search: Age-Proofing Your Resume
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What is Mystery Shopping, and Can You Really Get Paid to Shop?
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Auto-Disqualification - When Your Resume Never Reaches the Decision Maker
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The Top 10 Reasons to have a Career Coach
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Stop Searching for A Job and Start Attracting Professional Success!
1. Assess - Evaluate your skills, interests and abilities.
Yesterdays Hero
Wonder Woman makes it looks so easy. She gets up every morning, fights the good fight, calls it a day, and starts the whole process all over again.
Job Interviews: Identifying & Using Your Most Important Asset
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Looking for Work in All the Wrong Places
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How to Write a Simple Job Description
1.0 A timely reminderIn a recent decision in a New South Wales court it was found that an employee was psychologically injured and that contributing factors such as not having a job description and controlling management behaviours were responsible.
Writing A Great Resume, Part 2
TIP: Update your resume often. Be sure to add details of any training course, new interests and areas of responsibility.
Competency Based Interviews - 6 Steps to Success!
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Those Little Things
Moving to another state meant finding a new dentist. I tried one a neighbor recommended who seemed friendly, competent and eager to please.
Jesse And Al Should Read This!
Instead of getting all bent out of shape over innocuous remarks made by the President of Mexico, perhaps the Lord and Prince of African-American Ideological Imperialism (that's Lord Jesse and Prince Al) should know just how Americans apply for those jobs they so vehemently claim Mexicans are stealing.The good folks at Careerbuilder.
Resume Tune Up
Employers have fears, uncertainty and DOUBT (the FUD factor) over your ability to actually do what you claim you can do in your resume and cover letter.Combine this with the fact that EVERY candidate looks good on paper, no-one leaves their previous job because they were paid too much, the work was too interesting and all the people were fantastic, and you can see the challenge you're facing.