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Build New Habits -- Payday Will Come --

Feeling that it never works is not a good excuse. You may even remember last year not getting past February. GOOD intentions. NO success. Don't quit! Every year has a new beginning for each of us. Keep on working at it.


You knew that was coming. Wipe the slate clean for 2004. Most of us had a few UPS and some had more DOWNS. There is real power in your mind. Think positives even when it is most difficult. Negatives are destroyers that pull us down into the abyss.

Actually, you can make resolutions EVERY day. Hop out of bed with a great attitude. Begin by saying, "Good morning, God, what are you and I going to do today?" It may surprise you. Negative folk say, "Good God, it's morning!" You decide!


I know! Last year just left you defeated. Every change you were going to make fell by the wayside. None of your resolutions got done. Maybe you OVER reached. Be more reasonable. Don't expect big leaps. Bite off the challenges in small chunks rather than going for the boulder.

Success is closer than you think. One step at a time. You can become the happier, healthier person that you envision.

All of us like to improve. There's a sincere desire to learn. To stick with our new diet. To work out at the gym or go to aerobics. Walk a mile each morning or night. Our goal is to eat right; live right; exercise and be our very best.


Suddenly, I'm going to change my habits. Our resolutions fill a complete page. All the things we haven't been doing. Beginning tomorrow. You have just programmed failure into your New Year's resolutions. Too much at once. None of us can handle it.

Put down one or two life changing challenges. Maybe you can take on another one or two in another month. Don't overwhelm your psychic all at the beginning. Stretch your goals over time.

First, write down your new passions. A full page of resolutions is too much. Select those with the greatest benefit. Leave the others for now.

Don't expect perfection. Good intentions pave the road but you need to allow for a detour along the way.


Your real goal is to develop new habits. Replace the old ones. NO exercise turns into some exercise. Eating too much turns into pushing away from the table sooner. Drink more water, less cola. Putting your spouse before the children or grands. Doing fun things together. Go to the movies. Out to dinner. Long weekends to the mountains.

Don't expect "old habits" to suddenly disappear. They are still lurking. Trying to get back into first place. Wanting to mess up your plan.

Few things are more rewarding than reaching your goal. Even if it takes longer than you expected. Moving in the right direction counts for success. Reach for incremental mile markers. Each step takes us closer to our destination.


Keep that in mind. Not necessarily money. A much BIGGER benefit.

You quit SMOKING because (you don't want to increase cancer odds; your breathe is cleaner; clothes no longer smell stale; eat in nicer places; kicked a bad habit, etc.)

Go on a DIET because (clothes look nicer; you look nicer; you feel better about yourself; cost less for food; and?..)

Quit drinking because?. (Don't want DWI risk; no more acting a fool; risky addiction and family loss; and?)

Bad habits are hard to break. Only YOU can make the decision. No one can do it for you until you decide.

Many times our "bad" habits are patterns of behavior. Smoking gives us a break and often it comes with dinner and a drink. Must be a social issue. Everyone else is doing it so we "do it" to be "accepted" within our social group.


All of us need support when striving to reach goals. Find those with the same mindset and desire to change habits. Working out is always easier in a group. To quit drinking is easier with NON drinkers. Non smokers help us kick the nicotine habit.

Cheerleaders are needed. Keep it up! Don't quit. Hold on to your goals. Accountability keeps most of us on track.

Do something nice for yourself when you reach incremental levels. Buy yourself a new suit or a new dress when you drop a full size. Make every step a recognizable achievement.

Eat at a new restaurant. Go to the movies. Treat yourself to a massage. Relax and enjoy the NEW you.

One last admonition. HAVE FUN! In the end (December 2005) you can look back with pride on the success you have enjoyed in the last 12 months.

ACTION TIP: A better YOU and ME is worth the investment. Set reasonable goals. Bite off in small incremental pieces. Look for the BIG pay off. Get a support TEAM. Reward yourself for each success level. HAVE FUN in the process of changing your habits.

Don Monteith spent 32 years in the Staffing Business. His firm placed thousands of job candidates in their dream job. Today, he shares his expertise. Learn more by visiting his website at:

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