Are You Eking Out a Living, and Cant Get What You Want from a Job?
Many people are working at jobs they don't wantand they hate to go there every day. Are you oneof them? Let's start by examining how you got into this kindof "pickle" to begin with. Did you take this job be-cause you thought you couldn't find anything else?Did someone you are close to, tell you to take iteven if you didn't want to? Were you in panic be-cause you thought you would be out on the street? When I listen to people who have gotten into thispredicament, I usually find that the main cause forthis kind of frustration and unhappiness is becausethere is a lack of self-esteem and no goal setting.These two elements go hand in hand. It's almostas if the job seeker has lost some part of the self and is willing to be molded by others, outsidecircumstances or fate. The cure, in my opinion, is to always have goalsfor oneself. Some need to be work related whileothers can be for fun or for learning. Goals make life sweeter. They can turn a hum-drum job into one you might like. They can also lead `you to the job of your dreams some day!Make your current job into one or find a new, funjob. It's a matter of attitude, isn't it? c, 2004 Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.Certified Job & Career Transition CoachEmail: doitnow@nwinfo.netWeb: http://www.doitnowcareers.info
Jobs City of Rochester (.gov)
Careers Catholic University Communications
Careers West Virginia Department of Education
Careers Washington State University
How to Make Your Career Change Easier
Despite what your grandmother told you, life is not supposed to be a struggle. The same is true for making a career change.
Closing the Gap on Your Career Goals
If you still picture a steady progression up the ladder when you think of your career goals, it is time to shift your thinking. For most people, climbing the career ladder is no longer an option.
War Time Hiring: 5 Steps to Attract Top Talent
A recent report, titled "The War for Talent" stated that over the next 20 years, employee talent will be what differentiates successful companies from those going bust. The late 90's gave us a glimpse of the talent war, but was nothing compared to what's ahead.
Fear of Being Outsourced? Fight Back
Me, outsourced? Impossible. How could they replace a business-humor columnist? But my brother-in-law, the radiologist, told me his hospital was threatening to cut his position because they had found a medical group out of India that would read MRIs at half the cost.
How To Ask For A Pay Rise!
Negotiating a pay rise is not something many people do on a regular basis. By applying these keys you will be well positioned to improve your negotiation skills and feel more empowered when asking for a pay rise.
The Role of a Medical Assistant in a Modern Medical Practice
Many physicians are unsure of what tasks are appropriate to assign to a Medical Assistant. It is important to remember Medical Assistants are not licensed to make independent medical assessments or give advice.
Resume Tips To Take You From SAHM to WAHM
When looking for a telecommuting position, it is very important to have your resume in tip-top shape. This is often the only thing that a potential employer has to base a hiring decision on since they most likely will not be interviewing you in person, your resume has to make that great first impression for you.
Top 10 Resume Writing Tips to Get You the Interview
There are many reasons why you could be in the marketfor a new job right now. Perhaps.
Think About a Nursing Degree
If you decide to get a degree in nursing, there are many things you need to know and consider first. Choosing your nursing school may not be aseasy as you expect.
Fantastic Job Fair Follow-up
Set the stage for fantastic job fair follow-up while you are still at the job fair. As the conversation is coming to a close, ask for the company representative's business card.
6 Steps to Re-inventing Your Career
Meaningful work honors the deepest part of your being. It is the embodiment of your gifts and talents and all that you value.
F-E-A-R in the Job Search!
Fear in starting a job search is a four letter word! Like any other four letter word, the word itself can create more fear, and some- times self-loathing!Look at the fear when it applies to a job search.Fear of others.
Resume Writing - Importance of a Professional Summary
The Summary is the preview of your entire resume. This may be be the only part that an interviewer or employer might read for shortlisting your resume.
Sample Resume Objectives: Read, Dont Copy
The resume objective statement is typically something that trips people up.Confronted by the silent challenge of the blank page, most folks Google for "sample resume objectives".
5 Key Factors to Consider When Selecting an Outplacement Firm
With today's economy, more and more companies are finding themselves faced with the situation of having to reduce headcount to remain competitive. Here are five key factors to consider when selecting an outplacement firm if your company is ever faced with a workforce reduction.
Lets Talk About Trust
I agree with Brooker T. Washington, "Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him, and to let him know that you trust him.
The Myths of Career Change
Chances are you already have many ideas about what it takes to successfully transition into a new career, even if you have never done it before. Some of those ideas might be useful - most probably are not.
Learning a Foreign Language
Many people love learning languages or would like to learn a language and use their language skills in a job. In today's global economy the demand for language skills continues to grow as governments, businesses and organisations build relationships with foreign interests.
Career Job Satisfaction - Get Off the Treadmill - Exit Your Rat Race!
Get Off the Treadmill - Exit Your Rat Race!We can all get in a rut from time to time. Who hasn't had a moment in their lives where you've asked yourself the question: "Why am I doing this?" Whether it's who you've become, the business you are in, your career, relationships, where you live or all of the above - sometimes you realise you're just not where you want to be - and you're not sure how you got there! It sure feels like your own version of a rat race though.
About Your Work
I like Simon, one of three judges on American Idol. I find his feedback refreshingly honest.