Avoid Mistakes and Gaffes in Your Job Resume
Having mistakes and gaffes in your job resume spell disaster for your job search. The last thing an employer needs is to look at a poorly written resume. The employer is looking at possibly dozens of resumes a day, and if yours is not up to par, don't expect to hear from him/her. Make sure you proofread your resume for spelling errors. If you're not sure about the spelling of a particular word, make sure the spell check function is on while you are writing your resume. One of the first things that an employer will look for are your qualifications for the job. Don't waste the employer's time by not listing your qualifications where he/she can see them. If the employer sees that you're qualified for the job, then they will continue to read your resume. Don't turn in a resume that is poorly written, hard to read because it's printed on some dark colored resume paper, or just plain sloppy. The recruiter doesn't care how cool you are because you used a different color paper than everyone else. They're only interested in what's on the paper. I know you want your resume to stand out from the others, but using standard white resume paper is your best option. Try to stand out from the others by listing your achievements and skills instead. Don't put too much information in your resume. Keep it short and to the point. You don't have to put down every single job you had since high school. Remember, the whole point of the resume is to show the potential employer that you are qualified for the position. Emphasize the skills and achievements that are related to the job you are applying for. When writing your past job descriptions, elaborate only on the duties of your job that help the potential employer recognize your qualifications for the position you are seeking. Even after doing all of this, your job resume will still be compared to dozens of other resumes. There's not much you can do about that. But, with the tips listed above, you increase your chances of having your resume actually read and considered for a possible job interview. Michelle Roebuck provides job interview tips and resume writing advice at http://www.job-interview-and-resume-tips.comTo sign up for her FREE monthly newsletter go to http://www.job-interview-and-resume-tips.com/newsletter.html
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Resurrecting the Perfect Resume, Part Two
Are you in denial about the lifelessness of your resume? If you are reasonably qualified for the type of work you seek, yet your resume is consistently failing to win you interviews, then you need to face the reality that your beloved document is dead.
Try theseprofessional resume writingtechniques to resurrect your resume and your job search today:
Problem #3: Resume Is Blind
In your eagerness to cut your job search work load have you reduced your objective statement to something grandiose and vague, something that you hope speaks to every employer but which, in fact, communicates to none? A resume with no focus is blind; without a clear focus in your resume an employer cannot perceive what you're offering them; without a concisely stated vision in your resume an employer cannot grasp the big picture of how you fit into their organization.
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Reviving Your Resume
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