Power Resumes - Writing Your Objectives
A powerful resume starts with a good statement of objective. This is the headline of your advertisement promoting yourself. The headline has to be simple yet state with clarity that you are the perfect choice for the specific job or position. Clarity of objective requires that you be clear about your own career direction. If you are not clear where you are headed with your career and the specific goals, you may not be the right fit for the position. There are bound to be certain uncertainities in your mind, there may be areas of concern on the path your career is moving. Yet it is better not to reflect those grey areas in your objective statement. There are several ways you can write your objectives. Decide on the specific job title you want to apply for. Then think about one or two qualification, abilities and skills that go with the position. Write it out in short and simple manner. The format could go something like this. Objective: Seeking a middle management position in an organization where Business Development and Franchise network management is high priority. If you are applying for several positions, you can prepare different objectives which will go well with the positions you are applying for. You may also prepare objective based on the positions' job description and tailor your objectives for each position being applied for. Here are a few examples of targeted objectives: Vice President Marketing in an organization where strong track record of National Business Development in informational technology product is needed. Seeking an entry level position in the software marketing where a basic qualifications in IT would be needed. Senior Administrative position in an automobile components manufacturing company with a background of handling HR funtions. Practice writing objectives in line with your career goals and skills and very soon you will be a master at it. Go ahead and start polishing your resume as you read this article. Creating a perfect resume will take many improvements before it is market ready. The effort is well worth the results it will bring. R.G. Srinivasan is a Certified Trainer, Writer and Author with more than two decades of managerial experience. He also writes a regular blog on home-business resources which you may check out at http://www.home-businessresources.blogspot.com for online marketing tips, resources, opportunities and online promotional strategies
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Find Passion for Your Work
Most people spend approximately 25% to over 67% of their waking hours working. Eventually, most everyone will want to work in a career that they enjoy and are paid well enough to live a prosperous life.
Searching for an Executive Job
A job search for executives is far less complicated today than it has been in the past. Anyone who is looking for an executive job can simply look to the Internet where there are hundreds of employment websites, with many specifically geared towards executives.
Targeting Your Resume is So Important For Your Career
Targeting your portfolio, (resume and cover letter) can get you any job you desire! The purpose of targeting is so you can find your perfect match, your dream job!To target successfully, you need to calculate the position, do this and you will be sure to hit the mark.When targeting the job you wish to apply for, ask yourself,"Am I responding to this position because I really want to do this job, or am I merely responding because the position is available?" Remember, there are always vacant positions to fill, but finding an open position that you truly want to perform every day, is going to take a more committed search.
Change Your Life, Change Your Career And Get A New Job!
Careers dictate resume formatDifferent careers use different forms of resumes. When you're working on your resume, beware of services that try to sell you on just one template, regardless of your target career.
3 Cover Letter Secrets Revealed
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Job Interviews: Answering Whats Your Greatest Weakness?
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Recovering From a Career Crisis
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It Takes Time
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How To Write A Resume Cover Letter That Will Get Your Resume Read
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What Do You Want From Life?
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Is Job Loss Making You Sick?
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The 10 Biggest Career Change Mistakes - And How to Avoid Them
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Hey! - Are You Being Paid What You Are Worth?
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Your Job Search Is A Marketing Campaign (Part 2)
Here's a continuation of my article from a few months back on how the successful job search is really just a personal marketing campaign.To recap, the same marketing techniques that have sell billions of dollars worth of products and services on TV, in print and via direct mail can also help you find a job.
Free Resume Examples: Use Them, But Dont
There are lots of free resume examples (or free resume samples) on the web.Try searching for "free resume example" at Google and take a look at the almost 5 million pages that come back (the less restrictive "resume example" gives you 7 million pages, if you've got more time on your hands).
Three Tips for Successful Networking
I generally shy away from using the word "networking" when it comes to our business. As professional "headhunters", we are constantly practicing and performing the art of networking in our daily operations.
Resumes That Rock (16 Expert Tips)
It's never too early to update your resume, even if you're not searching for a new job. Why? Updating your resume is a valuable reminder to yourself of your practical value to employers.
Finding Success In Todays Job Market
This year we are experiencing the most dynamic and rapidly changing economy in all of history except for next year, and the year after, and the rest of our working lives. The days of being able to get a college education, then get a good job for life, which will give you financial security and retirement are gone forever.
Lost Your Job? Ten Ways to Bounce Back!
Whether you've been right-sized, downsized, underutilized, or just plain fired, looking for work is a life-changing experience that rocks your world. Regain your equilibrium with these ten strategies and get back to being your best.