Writing Resumes
Use a resume as a foot in the door When you go to college, they don't really teach you how to advance your career. In order to get the jobs you want, you need to know how to write an effective resume that will win you interviews. In order to be successful, you need to look at resumes as marketing brochures. Writing good resumes demands that you understand their purpose. They just need to have enough information to attract the recruiter and the hiring manager. People win jobs in an interview Don't include everything when writing resumes. You want to leave something to talk about in your interview. Here's an example. You could include how your writing saved your last company X dollars. Don't say how your writing saved them money. Leave a little bit out so that the interviewer wants to bring you in to find out what makes you so special. Resumes don't get you the job, closing the deal in the interviews is what gets you the job. Remember to use resumes correctly; they're meant to be "business cards" that you post on job web sites like career builder or monster.com. But a piece of paper can't convince somebody to hire you as much as your own interviewing skills will be able to do. And don't bank on resumes to get you that offer from an interviewer. Prepare for interviews by anticipating the hard questions that your interviewer will ask. Only by preparing thoroughly for interviews will you give yourself a chance at career advancement. Resource based site to help you change your life, change your career and get a new job! More articles like this: http://www.get-a-new-job.com How do I write a Cover Letter? Can Resume Templates Help Me?
Jobs City of Rochester (.gov)
Work With Us National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Careers Washington State University
Careers West Virginia Department of Education
Seven Deadly Types of Job Recruiters
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So, Why Dont You Tell Me About Yourself?
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How to Receive Multiple Job Offers After You're Fired
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Do You Need A Mentor? And How Do You Find One?
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The Myths of Career Change
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The #1 Job Search Mistake To Avoid: Not Preparing Your Mind!
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Are You Bored By What You Do?
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Tackling Your Unemployment Creatively
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Five Facts You Must Know When Changing Careers
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What Students and Parents MUST Know about Student Loans
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How to Survive in Business Long Enough to Win
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Using Freelance Websites to Telecommute
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The Global Work Marketplace - The Revolution Of How Work Gets Done
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Ive Got the Big Bad B Word on My Job!
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Career Change - Emotional Intelligence for Knowledge Workers?
Nowadays we can expect to survive the second half of our lives and as our work is knowledge-based - we knowledge workers are not finished after 30 years on the job - Are we merely bored?There are three ways to develop another career: The first way is to really start a career. Our original career decision (at school or college) may have been simply around 'getting a job to make some money' or just to 'get into the job market' in some way.
Your Goals Must Be Within Your Reach
Set short-term, incremental goals. Work up to larger plans later.
One Step at a Time in the Job Search
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Your Job Search Is A Marketing Campaign (Part 2)
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