Learn Some Useful Feng Shui Career Tips
As it does with every main life aspect, feng shui also provides tips and guidelines to help you improving your career. If your career is not moving on in the way you wish, that is due to a lack of balance and harmony within your environment and the elements that affect it. Feng shui career tips intend to help you reach that harmony, but besides of following these specific tips, you should try to follow feng shui guidelines for all your life areas, since your life should be balanced as a whole as well. One first and very important feng shui career tip talks about your desk position. The desk or table you use for working should be placed in a position that allows you to see the main door. Your desk should never be with your back at the door, since that would be very harmful for your career. And if possible, you should also try to place it in such an angle where you can also see the window. You should be careful of not having your back towards a sharp edge or a poison arrow. If you can't avoid this, you could minimize the harmful effects by placing a plant or a crystal covering it. In case you have a door or a window at your back, you can also place a plant or a crystal to neutralize bad consequences. It is also important that you design your office or working space according to the bagua map indications. If possible, you should try to create your working space at the south of the environment where it will be. According to the bagua, south symbolizes the life area corresponding to career, and therefore it is the ideal place for such purpose. Another important thing to take into account is tidiness. Your working space, and especially your desk, should be tidy. You should get rid of clutter from your working space and maintain it as clean and tidy as possible. Besides, it is particularly important that you keep the south area of your desk free of objects since this area is the one which corresponds to career according to the bagua map. About The Author Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.fengshuicrazy.com Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need!
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