Interview Preparation
The dreaded job interview is the Number 1 source of email enquiries to Confidence Club. The following email is typical: "I have an interview coming up and I'm terrified! I have to do a presentation in front of a panel of judges, and I just know I'm going to make a fool of myself" Interviews generate immense levels of anxiety. Anxiety impairs performance, so that interview candidates often leave the room knowing that they didn't give their best. Probably 98% of us have had the experience of 'going blank' in a pressure situation, losing the thread of our argument, or simply not 'getting' what the other person is asking. Why does this happen? Fear of public exposure is a natural anxiety which we all share, to a greater or lesser extent. The most common fears - spiders, heights, open spaces - are inherited. We all have the capacity to develop these fears, because these were known dangers for our ancestors. It may seem odd to consider an interview in this way - of course it isn't a dangerous situation - but public exposure in general causes most of us some anxiety. In many ways an interview is a an extreme form of public speaking - not only are you 'performing' in front of strangers, but the outcome of the interview will have an impact on the rest of your life. High stakes indeed. The result of this anxiety can be devastating. Some people experience a strong adrenaline response in interviews, with wobbly knees, dry mouth, tremulous voice, and cognitive impairment. Most people experience much milder symptoms but any level of anxiety impairs performance, particularly our mental sharpness. Lose the Anxiety A relaxed interview candidate is at an immediate advantage. Quite apart from the improvements in interpersonal skills which come with relaxation, a relaxed person has a much more controlled mind, and this is a critical advantage. Confidence Club has developed a suite of hypnotherapy resources which provide two benefits: Immediate and lasting improvements in relaxation and calmness Enhanced self confidence If you have an interview coming up, we would recommend completing the Confidence Club questionnaire - http://www.confidenceclub.net/process/questionnaire.php This will highlight your strengths as well as any weaknesses, providing valuable self-awareness and helping you to view your personality in a constructive manner. The questionnaire will also reveal which aspects of confidence you should work on. The most popular Confidence Club resource for interview candidates is our Stage Presence CD, which will help you to become relaxed when making presentations or projecting your personality in a group setting. http://www.confidenceclub.net/content/stagepresence.php The beauty of hypnotherapy is its immediacy - clients enjoy benefits after a single, 30 minute, session. Continued use will result in greater gains in relaxation, calmness and self-confidence. If at all possible, start your hypnotherapy treatment a good week before the interview, and use the CD 2 or 3 times in that week. The result will be a refreshed, calm, relaxed approach to the interview and a welcome sense of calmness and self-control. Jim Sullivan is a hypnotherapist specialising in confidence, self esteem and stress management. He may be contacted via the Confidence Club website :http://www.confidenceclub.net/content/index.php
Jobs City of Rochester (.gov)
Work With Us National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Careers Washington State University
Careers West Virginia Department of Education
Resumes and First impressions
Hunting for a position in a new career field? Trying to take your new education or skills and transform them into a job with a future?I've spent the last few weeks working in a placement service trying to help people find that first "career" job; trying to help them make the transition from student to employee. I see the same mistakes over and over again.
The Last Minute Interview
Your breath catches in your throat - at last, an interview! Elated, you write down the time and place of the interview, who to ask for, say thanks, and hang up!But, wait, it's such short notice, and you haven't been interviewed for ages. Too, you never did get around to practicing.
How to Deal With Workplace Inflexibility
You've been a model employee: responsible, industrious, creative and productive. You've gone the extra mile time and again, with a smile.
Why Do You Want This Job?
Why Do You Want This Job? Is it because any job will do, or is it because this is the job of your dreams? What do you do - you send your winning resume, you carefully dress for the interview, you prepare to answer all of the questions about why you are the best candidate for the job. All of the literature tells you to do this.
Taking Job Loss Seriously
Anyone reading this article and hassuffered a job loss recently IStaking the job loss seriously. Thestages often are:
Intuition: The Secret To Your Career Success
For far too long, we moderns have relied on our analytical/logical brain to make important life decisions. It is my belief that our imaginative/creative brain holds the key to better, smarter and more soulful decisions.
Career Transitions : Fearless Flyers
You may have read one of my previous articles on career transitioning which described how to create complementary careers for yourself. This article will introduce you to three people I call Fearless Flyers because they have taken the leap of faith that many of us would only dream of considering.
How To Become a Mortgage Broker
The mortgage industry accounted for $1,815,949,279,000 in loan transactions in 2004. That's one trillion, eight hundred and fifteen billion, nine hundred and forty-nine million, two hundred and seventy nine thousand dollars.
Youre Fired!
One-day you're minding your own business and your boss comes in and says "You're Fired", perhaps he was a bit more polite than that but the end result was the same, you're now out of work!!Now what do you do?Well get over the initial shock and look at the whole experience as a positive, this maybe the break you have been waiting for, no more excuses for not doing what you've always wanted to do, that is too work for yourself and if that's not what you always wanted to do, it is now, because you may not have any other choice.Okay, just got the sack and now suddenly thrust into the world of the entrepreneur! What next? First thing is to think about what you have been doing that actually had someone paying you previously to do it.
What Recruiters Hate About Resumes And Cover Letters
Today, I'm going to share with you the awful truth about resumes and cover letters.Here it is: Most of them stink.
Losing Your Job Without Losing Yourself
When we lose our jobs, no matter the reason, we lose a big part of our identity. Think of the last several times you met new people.
Write And Get Hired
Want to get hired faster than up to 97% of other job seekers?Well, you can. By doing two simple things almost nobody else is doing:1) write down a job search goal and2) read it out loud 10 times a day.
To All Managers: How Does ADD Affect Your Workplace?
Tent caterpillars create a cocoon for an entire colony. Within one colony there are two types of caterpillar.
Avoid Your CV Always Ending Up in the Bin
Cover Letters must grab the reader's interest so that they immediately want to learn more about the writer (you).Your cover letter is generally the first document those potential employers will read.
Conflicts With Your Boss Are Inevitable, But Can Be Healthy
If you are a pro-active, get-things-done type, sooner or later you will come in conflict with your boss. The same sort of assertiveness and confidence that leads you to have a mind of your own has helped him to earn his position.
Job Search: Time Management
There is an old adage that "Looking for a job is harder than working." How true! The rigors of job search are magnified by the turmoil we experience: lack of self-confidence, humiliation, financial pressure, and the undercurrent of emotions that color all we do: fear, anger, depression, anxiety, loss.
So you want to work at home
There are several ways to work from home. Some of the more popular ways are affiliate programs, direct marketing and starting your own business.
Where Do I Go From Here?
Making Your Future Work Better For YouIt's the commonest concern people have about their careers. Where am I heading? Is this the right direction for me? How can I tell what will suit me best? Making good career decisions doesn't have to be agony if you clear away a few misconceptions.
Writing A Great Resume, Part 2
TIP: Update your resume often. Be sure to add details of any training course, new interests and areas of responsibility.
Do You Need A Mentor? And How Do You Find One?
Whether you're self-employed or you work for someone else, you're new to business or a seasoned expert, one of the best ways to get ahead in business is to find a mentor. And some highly successful people even have more than one.