Are You Suited for Self-employment?
A recent poll conducted by Yahoo! Small Businessshowed that nearly 3 out of 4 Americans have consideredstarting their own business. In fact, of more than 2,200 adults surveyed, over half (51 percent) said they wouldlike to launch their small business within the next 5 years. Clearly, entrepreneurship is a part of the American Dream.But is everyone suited to being his or her own boss?Here's a 10-question quiz that can give you a quickidea of your chance for success if you decide to go outon your own. Keep track of the score on a separate sheetof paper. Be honest. Give yourself a "2" for every "yes"answer, a "1" for every "somewhat" and a "0" for every "no". 1. Are you organized? Do you like to make lists and prioritizeyour day? [ ] Yes [ ] Somewhat [ ] No 2. Are you task-oriented? Can you focus on a specific taskuntil it's completed? Or do you frequently leave thingsunfinished? [ ] Yes [ ] Somewhat [ ] No 3. Are you comfortable working with a personal computer?Do you have good computer skills? [ ] Yes [ ] Somewhat [ ] No 4. Are you goal oriented? Do you have a 1-, 3- and 5-yearplans for where you want to be? [ ] Yes [ ] Somewhat [ ] No 5. Do you have a wide network of friends and colleagues fromprevious organizations you've worked for, or schools andorganizations you belong to?[ ] Yes [ ] Somewhat [ ] No 6. Are you comfortable serving other people? Have you everworked in a service role before? [ ] Yes [ ] Somewhat [ ] No 7. Would you characterize yourself as friendly, cheerful, andeasy to get along with? [ ] Yes [ ] Somewhat [ ] No 8. Would you say that you have a marketable skill that is needed by other people or companies? [ ] Yes [ ] Somewhat [ ] No 9. Are you willing to work extra hours at night or onweekends to meet deadlines or to make more money? [ ] Yes [ ] Somewhat [ ] No 10. Is making money and being financially secure moreimportant to you than having "status" symbolslike a fancy office, expensive car or a big title? [ ] Yes [ ] Somewhat [ ] No Your score: Okay, add up the total. Remember, you should have given yourself a "2" for every "yes" answer, a "1" for every "somewhat" and a "0" for every "no". 11-20 = You're definitely suited for self-employment. 6-10 = You may be suited for it, but should learn moreand work on your skill set and service orientation. 0-5 = Don't leave your day job. Self-employment isn't for everyone. It often requires a highly-motivated, self-starter type of person who would gladly work long hours each day because they love what they're doing. If you're that type of person? maybe it IS time to break free and live your dream. Barnaby Kalan is an award-winning freelance copywriter and author of Outsourcing Yourself: How to Turn Your Job Into a Business for Greater Wealth and Security. For a free chapter of his book, visit http://www.outsourcing-yourself.com
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Layoff Survival Guide - Do You Have The Career Management Horsepower It Will Take To Survive?
In a recent survey of over 662 career seekers, some disturbing trends identified that MOST career seekers don't have a clue what career management skills they have or what those skills are! As a result, it will be difficult for these career seekers to succeed.In fact, only 71% of the respondents recognized they had any career management skills at all! That's why they are particularly vulnerable to future layoffsBefore skipping to the answers, try your hand at identifying YOUR career management skills.
Avoid Your CV Always Ending Up in the Bin
Cover Letters must grab the reader's interest so that they immediately want to learn more about the writer (you).Your cover letter is generally the first document those potential employers will read.
Planning To Work Abroad
Working abroad can be an exciting, rewarding and horizon broadening experience; and if you take the time to plan ahead carefully before you go, you will make your transition into the overseas work place a smooth and successful one.So, if you're considering relocating overseas to take up a temporary assignment or you'd like to move abroad permanently and find work there are basically three main aspects of expatriation that you need to think about before you make your move and this article examines them for you.
How to Crash - Proof Your Job Search
Think you have the speed, endurance, and know-how to fix what's broken? Bet not. The smartest people in the world are those who can leave their ego at the door, and know when its wise to seek help.
A Look At Some Out of the Ordinary Jobs
What do you want to be when you grow up? Chances are if you ask that question in any third grade class, your answers will include at least one fireman, one policeman, one cowboy and an assortment of other jobs that are glamorized on television and books.But there are far more jobs than those that make good reading and television.
How To Find Quick, Free, Job Search Resurces
There are many free job search resources availablein any community, large or small. These resourcesare available to the aspiring CEO as well as to the person who wants to make sandwiches.
Competency Based Interviews - 6 Steps to Success!
Competency based interviews are intended to get the best from you, the candidate, whilst also fulfilling the needs of the organisation to get the very best person for the job. There are some easy steps to make the most of yourself and have a much better chance of success.
How ToTalk Your Boss Into Giving You A Salary Increase
* If you believe you deserve a salary increase, ask for it as soon as possible; don't procrastinate or wait for your employer to offer it.* Determine what you are worth in the marketplace by carrying out a survey of people in comparable jobs.
Job or no Job: The Certainty of Uncertainty
Headline from AP via Yahoo News! January 11, 2005: "Chrysler Expects No Job Cuts in 2005, 2006."
Headline from Detroit Free Press, January 12, 2005: "Chrysler Cuts 200 Hourly Workers.
9 Secrets to Career Success
Are you miserable at your job (or what you are doing) but go anyway to earn a living? Do you feel you are unable to use your talents and are doing things that are stressful? Do you find yourself in a career rut? Wouldn't you rather be in your ideal income position and "Go to Play" everyday? Most people spend approximately 35% to over 67% of their waking hours working. Being unhappy for so much of the day makes it difficult to enjoy the rest of your waking hours.
How to Know if You Are in the Right Career
Ever wonder if you are in the right career? If you are like most people you have. Did you know that 80% of people are currently misemployed? They are either underemployed, not happy with their current position or not fairly compensated for their skill and/or function set.
Becoming A Home Inspector: What the Home Inspection Schools Dont Want You To Know
Chances are if you're reading this you've thought about becoming a home inspector. You may have even seen the ads that say you can make hundreds of dollars a day as a home inspector.
How To Write A Rsum
Figure out what you want to do.You can't write an effective rsum if you have no job target.
Why Do Interviews Die: That Sinking Feeling and How to Prevent it!
Interviews die because a mistake occurred. Sometimes, you've made a mistake; sometimes they die because someone who screened a resume did.
Should You Telework/Telecommute
"WOW! I can work from home and make money? I can sit around in my PJ's and work whenever I want? How great, I want to be a Teleworker!"There is much more to being a teleworker then working in your PJ's or working when you want to. Yes, those are nice benefits to teleworking, but you'd be surprised by how much work goes into working from home.
CV Writing - How to Write a CV
A winning CV has 2 objectives: To illustrate your strengths and maximise your chances of getting through to interview and to put factual information, such as dates, places, names together in a presentable and readable form. Focal PointIt is claimed that the human eyes are naturally drawn to a focal point one third down from the top of the page.
Ten Careers For High School Seniors Who Hate School
Let's face it?not everybody likes going to school and high school can be a terrible experience for many students. Whether you're the hands on type who preferred Shop class to English class, or an athlete who liked working as a team more than studying alone, or even someone who liked schoolwork more than schoolmates; the idea of four more years of school is unbearable.
Leaders Meet Challenge Heads-UP With Confidence --
Maybe "buck" is better referred to as the Boss' Challenge. Business owners are faced with making lots of decisions - some quickly made - others take more time with greater consequences.
How To Choose The Right Resume Format
After a thirty (30) second glance lots of resumes get thrown into the wastebasket. One of the reasons this happens is because the resume writer has failed to use the appropriate resume format.
Importance Of Your Job Search
So that you can decide just how critical your job hunt is in your total life scheme, let's put a kind of frame around the importance of the effort ahead.Reflect on it.