Resume Outline - Add Structure & Flow to Your Resume
Building your resume, based on a resume outline will give it structure and flow... it provides an outline of all the things you should include in your resume. A resume is one of the most important documents you will ever create First you have to decide on a particular format for your resume. The two main formats in use today are chronological and functional format. Which one is best to use will depend greatly on your situation. To build your resume you can use free resume forms located on the web. This can provide you with directions if you are having trouble building your resume. A sample resume outline would include the following sections: The Heading Your resume should start with the heading. You can list your basic details so the employer can contact you. You can include your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS Job Objective This is an optional section of your resume outline. Here you can tell readers what the objective of your resume is and what you are looking for. Example: Entry-level accounting position with medium to large public accounting firm. The "Body" is the largest section of your resume outlineThis is where you can enter details about your education, work experience and additional information. The body contains: Education Here you can list your educational background. Educational Background Format: College, Degree, Major, Honors, Relevant Courses Sample Education Section: Drexel UniversityBA Educational Leadership, May 2000 If you have a college education, do not list your high school information. You can also list any honors for academic excellence in this section of your resume outline. If you are a graduating senior or looking for an internship, you can add a relevant courses section to your resume outline. Employment History This is an important part of the resume. Here you can list your previous employment history. If you are using a chronological resume format, you should list the most recent job positions first on your resume outline. Example: Drug Emporium, Wayne, PA Cashier, June to September, 2001 Supervised customer check out Handled the cash register Managed and stocked merchandise You can also list relevant volunteer activities or work experience programs if you do not have much job experience. Achievements If you have any special achievements you would like to announce, you can use this section. Maybe you made a suggestion that saved your previous boss a ton of money. You can list it in this section of your resume outline. Special Skills The remaining sections of the resume can include additional skills such as fluency in a foreign language. References You should leave this section out altogether. References are not required at this stage and stating that 'References are available upon request' is assumed anyway... so you just end up wasting valuable space! Additional Optional Sections You can add additional sections to your resume outline such as volunteer work, community involvement or honors. You also have to decide on the layout of your resume. Choose a common font and medium range font-size, such as 12. Decide how you want to highlight the headings of the different sections. You can use bold, italics or underline to highlight section headings. Some people use bold and a larger font size to highlight their name on the resume. The last part of your resume will probably receive little focus, so if you have a marketable skill or outstanding honor you should try to incorporate them in earlier sections of your resume. You can find a lot of resources on the web that can provide you with free outlines and sample resume layouts. Usually an outline will differ if the resume is for a recent college graduate or a long time professional. Choose a resume outline that is specific to your career field and you can build your resume around that outline. Roger Clark (BSc) has over 25 years experience in career development & recruitment at a senior level through top management positions he has held with major international companies. You can visit his "Top Career Resumes" website for a wealth of top quality information relating to the employment market. http://www.top-career-resumes.com http://www.top-career-resumes.com/resume-outline
Jobs City of Rochester (.gov)
Work With Us National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Careers Washington State University
Careers West Virginia Department of Education
Resurrecting the Perfect Resume, Part One
Is your resume dead? Don't be so quick to say, "No way!" Of the hundreds of resumes I've seen written by job seekers of all backgrounds and educational levels, easily 95% qualify to be labelled as dead-but-not-yet-buried.
A dead resume lacks a clear structure or chronology, does not present or quantify achievements, fails to offer a "big picture" of what you would bring to the employer and is impersonal rather than expressive.
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Serious Business Networking
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Free Resume Template: The ONLY One Youll Ever Need
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Interview Quicksand
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Interview Thank-You Letters
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Preparation is Key
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Job Hunting Tips: Organizing Your Attack
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Resume Objectives ... The Hidden Pitfalls
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What You Should Never Put on Your Resume
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The Right Way To Send Your Resume
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