Are You Ready To Start A Business? Take This Quiz and See
Don't get discouraged! A "no" answer to any of the questions will identify an area for development -- not a roadblock. I am available to help if you would like to discuss your options in greater detail. (1) Do you offer a clear, unambiguous benefit that your target market can't live without? Ideally you can learn whether demand exists for your service. Otherwise, don't dive in. Dip a toe into the water to see if it's warm. (2) Can you demonstrate expertise? Collect testimonials, references, products and awards. Credentials help only if clients believe they make a difference. (3) Do you have evidence that people will pay for your services? For instance, you may have achieved expertise in a certain type of healing where the going rate is $15 an hour. . (4) Is your market crowded with competitors? If it's hard to stand out, you need a network of personal contacts to get started. And if the quality of your competitors varies, much of your business will depend on referrals. (5) Do you have networks of people who can become clients or referral sources? For instance, are you a CPA whose clients pick your brain for career change and business start-ups? Do you belong to professional groups that will give you access to a mailing list? If so, you may have a straightforward transition to your new business. (6) Have you ever (a) been self-employed or (b) been successful at a straight-commission sales job? If you dropped out of a sales job because you couldn't handle the uncertainty, you need an exceptionally generous safety net before you embark on your own solo venture. (7) Are you at home on the internet? Do you understand the principles of web design, so you can do-it-yourself or work intelligently with a designer? A website is a commitment, especially for service businesses. You have to be your own designer, marry a designer, or have a big maintenance budget. (8) Are you active in a community that is large enough to include potential clients and referrers? It is possible to have a lucrative distance business, but it takes longer and requires unique marketing skills. (9) Are you comfortable in a sales role? When someone calls to inquire about your services, are you willing to view your task as selling as well as helping, analyzing or troubleshooting? (10 ) How much continuity exists between your former career and your new business? Professions have norms and values. The greater the distance, the more challenging will be your journey, and the greater the risk and time to achieve. You may have to learn a new way of thinking about the world. And you truly may not be able to go home again. I offer one-to-one consultations on career strategy. About The Author Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D., is an author, speaker and career/business consultant, helping midlife professionals take their First step to a Second Career. http://www.cathygoodwin.com. "Ten secrets of mastering a major life change" mailto:subscribe@cathygoodwin.com Contact: cathy@cathygoodwin.com 505-534-4294
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Do You Have a Hotsy-Totsy Resume?
I begin this article with a bit of slang description. Whatdo I mean by a "hotsy totsy" resume? I mean one thatdoes the following for you, the job seeker and apossible employer.
Those Little Things
Moving to another state meant finding a new dentist. I tried one a neighbor recommended who seemed friendly, competent and eager to please.
Change Your Career, Change Your Life!
Lots of times I see and talk to people who are tired, bored and burnt out of their current jobs. I'm not sure what causes this dis- satisfaction.
Resume Tune Up
Employers have fears, uncertainty and DOUBT (the FUD factor) over your ability to actually do what you claim you can do in your resume and cover letter.Combine this with the fact that EVERY candidate looks good on paper, no-one leaves their previous job because they were paid too much, the work was too interesting and all the people were fantastic, and you can see the challenge you're facing.
What Do Employees Wish for Most (And How To Get It)
What do many employees wish for at work? A bonus or raise. At least that's so according to results from a recent survey developed by OfficeTeam, a global staffing service that specializes in placing administrative professionals.
Dont Stop! Your Transition is Still Moving!
Q. I'm looking for a new job and plan to work with a career consultant next month.
Ten Great Careers That Don't Require A Four Year Degree
One of the great myths associated with the "American Dream" is that you need to have a four-year college degree to be successful. As the economy has shifted to the information age, with a greater reliance on technology and services, this belief applies less and less.
Using Your Whine Factor
Brian's work was exceptional. Still, as his boss, I rarely offered him additional responsibilities, never thought of promoting him or selecting him for a critical project.
When the Teacher Becomes the Student
A relationship expert once said that during an argument, there's usually three sides to every story: his side, her side, and of course, the truth.This is something we must definitely keep in mind as teachers.
5 Proven Steps To Easily Master The Art Of The Interview And Get The Bartending Job Of Your Dreams!
Your mouth is dry, your palms are sweaty, your heart is beating so fast it feels like it is going to pop out of your chest!Sound familiar?For most people, interviews are uncomfortable. The mere thought of them causes anxiety and nervousness.
Salary Negotiation Secrets Revealed
Before you go into the interview, it is important to know what salary you want, what you need to live on, and what you will be prepared to accept. Spend some time working out your budget.
Layoff Survival Guide - Do You Have The Career Management Horsepower It Will Take To Survive?
In a recent survey of over 662 career seekers, some disturbing trends identified that MOST career seekers don't have a clue what career management skills they have or what those skills are! As a result, it will be difficult for these career seekers to succeed.In fact, only 71% of the respondents recognized they had any career management skills at all! That's why they are particularly vulnerable to future layoffsBefore skipping to the answers, try your hand at identifying YOUR career management skills.
10 Tips For Writing A Winning Resume
Your resume (or curriculum vitae), combined with the coverletter, are the master keys to opening the prospectiveemployer's mind and door so that you can proceed to thenext step in the process - the big interview!RESUME WRITING TIPS AND STRATEGIESHere are 10 valuable tips for anyone writing their ownresume, or who is having someone else write one for them.These tips and strategies are an abridged version of whatis contained in my new eBook, "Instant Home Writing Kit".
Job! Money! Career!
Feel somehow your life is stuck in MS-OFFICE - The reality of life for MBAs is Excel or PowerPoint , I heard Google is catching up at campus. Having gone through this myself, (I am still not out of it!), having had the nightmare of freshly minted MBAs reporting to me every year ( 90% of MBAs in their first job believe that their first Boss in Incompetent) and struggling to manage their transition to reality, guess I am now in a position to give some Gyan on assessing your job and career moves.
Im just me - An Overview of an Web er.. Designer, Developer, Consultant and Friend
I am going to give you a breakdown of my ..
CVs And Resumes Sometimes Just Get In The Way
As a head-hunter and Career Coach I see so many CVs and resumes that look as though they are designed to get in the way of what I (or any other recruiter) might need to know about you the candidate. They vary from pure meaningless waffle without any identifiable facts to lengthy tomes with so much detail they send me to sleep.
Avoid Potential Job Interview Disasters
There are definitely things that you can do to avoid minor mishaps which could ultimately blow an interview. Become familiar with these 7 potential interview disasters so you can prevent them from obstructing your path to that ideal job.
Thank-You Notes: Your Thoughtfulness will be Rewarded
I get asked these questions over and over: "Should I send separate thank-you notes to everyone who interviewed me? Can I just send one thank-you note to the hiring manager and ask him/her to thank others involved in the process?"The answers are yes and no, respectively.Send a separate thank-you note to everyone who interviewed you, whether it was an informal pre-interview phone call, an interview lunch meeting, or the final formal interview after a lengthy process.
4 Internet Job Search Mistakes to Avoid
The Internet is the most powerful employment tool on earth. Hands down.
Finding the Right Travel Nursing Placement Agency
Travel nursing is becoming one of our nation's fastest growing professions, and it's no surprise. If you love seeing new places and enjoy exciting new experiences that evoke the feeling of taking an extended vacation, then the career of a traveling nurse might be just what the doctor ordered! Travel nursing enables many people to stay on vacation for two to six months in free luxury accommodations while earning high hourly wages at the same time.