Searching for an IT Job
Looking for an IT job is one of the easiest to perform due to the incredibly high demand in the IT field. As the Internet grows, corporations network through Intranets - even the advancement of science has the demand for anyone with IT skills at an all time high. Computer technology continues to advance, change and grow and, in turn, increases the demand for new and diverse IT jobs. A job search for a person with the right skills is not only easy, but can be quickly done with the accessibility of online IT employment web sites. When an IT professional is embarking on a job search, it is important to keep in mind that these jobs tend to pay very well. With the high demand for IT employees, the first job that an individual comes across may not be the best one as far as pay and benefits. Contrary to how many other people looking for employment have to search - submitting resumes and often settling for less pay or entry level positions - IT professionals can often take the time to 'shop' around for the best job offers before accepting a position. The Internet offers a number of websites that provide the opportunity for anyone to search through potentially millions of listings in order to find a few that meet the individual's qualifications. Looking for an IT job can be done on any one of these kinds of websites, but with the increasing demand for IT employees it has brought about a number of IT specific job related websites that cater specifically to IT professionals. In addition to Internet job listings, IT professionals can do their job search through trade publications, and even newspaper employment classifieds. While having IT skills doesn't guarantee a quick and easy job search, having a well-written resume can help in how many positions will earn an individual consideration. IT professionals can always find help with putting their resumes together through resume writing services or software that guides an individual through resume templates. However an IT professional goes about his or her job search, the tool of their trade is most likely the best way for them to find the right position. By Heather Eagar, owner of ResumeLines.com. Want more resources for your job search? ResumeLines.com is a comprehensive site that provides unbiased reviews on professional resume writing services and resume distribution sites.
Jobs City of Rochester (.gov)
Careers Catholic University Communications
Careers West Virginia Department of Education
Careers Washington State University
Are You Ready For A New Career?
Is your current or most recent job truly what you want to do?Do you dread the prospect of coming into work every day? Do you look back on your work day as you travel home and cannot seem to find a fulfilling moment? If you answered yes, read on.You could be unhappy with your supervisor; you may not like the politics or corporate culture; or you may not like the industry you are in.
Job Search: Age-Proofing Your Resume
Older job hunters fear interviews where their age cannot be concealed and where an initial response of dismay on an interviewer's face, quickly hidden, confirms their anticipation of discrimination. The mature job seeker often prefers the anonymity of mailed resumes, e-mailed inquiries, internet applications, and telephone contacts.
Surviving Office Politics
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How to Prepare for A Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal should be treated as an ongoing developmental process rather than a formal once-a-year review. It should be closely monitored by both employee and reviewer to ensure that targets are being achieved.
Surviving The Technical Interview
Ah, the technical interview. Nothing like it.
Find A Job In A Fast Growing Field Using Labor Market Information For Your State
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Job Hunting Tips: Containing Anxiety
It hangs from the ceiling above your bed while you toss through the night hours. It waits inside the door of every employment office you enter.
Great Salary Negotiation Tips
11 Commandments For Smart Negotiating1 - BE PREPARED. The more information you have about your market value and theprospective employer, the greater your likelihood of success.
F-E-A-R in the Job Search!
Fear in starting a job search is a four letter word! Like any other four letter word, the word itself can create more fear, and some- times self-loathing!Look at the fear when it applies to a job search.Fear of others.
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Discuss Your Accomplishments During the Interview
When preparing for your interview, you need to be ready to discuss your accomplishments. Surprisingly, many people are reluctant to talk about their accomplishments.
Thank-You Notes: An Integral Part of Your Career Design
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Do You Work to Live or Live to Work?
Let's be realistic here - hands up all of you who bounce out of bed every single morning, raring to get to work and enjoying yourself every minute of the day?If you didn't put your hand up (even metaphorically), you're not alone. There have been so many articles published recently about working statistics in the UK - that Brits work the longest hours in the EU, that we have higher risks of heart disease than our continental friends due to stress and poor diet, there has been a rise in people "downshifting" and moving to the country to raise chickens and weave baskets.
When The Going Gets Tough -- The Tough Keep Going
If you've been in a job search for more than a few weeks you may be experiencing the feelings of defeat and despair, not to mention the urge to give up. It's been a tough year, and then some, for those who have lost jobs for whatever reason.
Ten Careers For High School Seniors Who Hate School
Let's face it?not everybody likes going to school and high school can be a terrible experience for many students. Whether you're the hands on type who preferred Shop class to English class, or an athlete who liked working as a team more than studying alone, or even someone who liked schoolwork more than schoolmates; the idea of four more years of school is unbearable.
To All Managers: How Does ADD Affect Your Workplace?
Tent caterpillars create a cocoon for an entire colony. Within one colony there are two types of caterpillar.
How to Feel Satisfied in Your Career
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The Group Interview
Sometimes, when going on job interviews, you might end up in a situation where you are in a group interview. A group interview is where you are being interviewed along with several other candidates for the job.
Adapting To Change In A Changing World
Have you learnt a new skill or improved upon your existing skill in the last six months to one year?According to the world acclaimed management guru and Writer Professor Peter Drucker - "The only skill that will be important in the 21st century is the skill of learning news skills. Everything else will become obsolete over time.