Hair Dressing as a Career
Since the world started hair has been a very important aspect of individual personality and with the change in time hair has emerged as a big form of self expression for both men and women. In todays world everyone wants to look beautiful, everyone wants to get compliment from their friends and its a well known fact that when you look good you feel good and then you work better. In today's modern world peoples are most sophisticated-more educated and more fashion conscious whether male or female. Hair dressing industy is a huge growth area all over the world, As with clothes, hair styles change with fashion and with more & more people taking an interest in the way they look, the hair dressing industry will be as popular as ever for a long time to come. People are now realizing that its not their clothes, shoes, jewellery which describes them it is also their hair, this is the reason they are getting more experimental and are open to change. The result? you can see on the streets women are going for their own individual & different style, they are not bothered about what people will say. There is lot of movement and texture in the hair as it use to be and it also benefitted the stylists now they can show their skills & creativity. Today hair dressing is one of the top industry in the world and as the fashion expand in fashion industry oppurtunities are growing at good pace not only in hair salons but also in film & tv industry, fashion houses, magazines, photo studios etc. So if you enjoy working with people, like to use your creative abilities, have interest in fashion & art and enjoy a sense of achievement in your work, then a career in Hair dressing is waiting for you. I feel there is tons of potential in the hair dressing industry, the opportunity for growth and personal development is the part of this profession. Hair dressing is a career which allows you to showcase your creativity to have fun, to earn name, fame and good money. Great opportunity for growth and through your work and also you will have the opportunity to meet new people and always learn something new. Also to change few People opinion I must say hair styling is an art and a good hair stylist is always a very valuable commodity. A hair stylist that specializes in dealing with your hair type is even more valuable and much harder to come by. I really believe that the cut and style of your hair can transform your look and personality from grossly ugly to a glamorous look. professional and competent hair cutting is the basis of good hair dressing. Designing a Cut needs care, precision, artistic appreciation, technique combination and control. It includes the elements of balance rhythm, line and movement. Understanding the nature of shapes is having an understanding of the elements that build them. The building components in creating shapes are points, lines and angles. Each component defines the nature of the shape and the style it represents. Hairdresser is involved in helping a person make the most of their appearance. It is a fast moving profession with many exciting opportunities available. I must say oppurtunities for talented, creative, innovative people are endless. The hairdressing industry is continually developing and changing, creating an increasing range of styles that can be used. Believe me there are many different hair cutting styles and techniques that one wouldn't believe it. What is really a hair cut? It is a geometry applied to hair. A very caring hairdresser will study very hard to understand all angles, circles and lines he/she might have to use while haircutting, in order to fit his/hers clients body and face shapes. Understand the words beauty & art and Always remember the sentence "we really care for our clients" So when you make your mind that you really want to take up this profession, understand few things 1. It involves dealing with people. 2. It is an important part of the fashion industry and involves using your creativity and imagination. 3. You need to have communication skills in order to talk to clients and build up a good relationship, have a friendly manner and good listening skills 4.It is a physically demanding job, requiring you to spend long hours on your feet. so if you have tired legs dont think of it. BEST OF LUCK FOR THIS EXCITING CAREER. The above article has been written by Nadeem Ahmed, India's leading hair stylist. Nadeem Ahmed is India's one of the leading hair fashion experts and he works at Rex Salon & Academy, Chandigarh. Nadeem also conducts classroom sessions, seminars & workshops on latest hair trends, colors, rebonding for creative professional hairstyling as well. He have entered into Limca Book of Records (Indian version of Guiness Book) by cutting hair with fire, blindfolded, hair cut with cutter and piece of glass and have been appreciated by Guiness Book of World Records. For more info visit http://zulfmakers.8m.com. Savio Joseph Free lance writer, writes for various newspapers & magazines.
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