Learn How To Network for HIDDEN Jobs
I'll quickly cover the following: A) Why Network With People? B) Five Networking Tips To Get Started. C) Quick Networking Hints. D) Sources To Start Your Network. ****** FACT ****** Employers love referrals and first look to tap their ownworkers for people they know that can fill open positions. Itscheaper and provides for more quality employees. By networking, you increase your chances of being personally referred and thus have your foot in the door. =========================================== WHY NETWORK WITH PEOPLE? =========================================== It's true, some of the best jobs are never advertised. Many are filled by successful job seekers who networked with the right people and got the job before it was ever advertised. It's a proven fact that informal networking is a great method to gain more job leads and information about job opportunities that are not normally advertised. There is more to successful networkingthan just talking to your friends. To be a successful networker you must have as many contacts as possible hear your pitch andunderstand that you are in the job market. There are manystudies and surveys that clearly show that networking made thedifference for successful job seekers. Now that you understand the power of networking, here are some tipsand advice that will help you get started. =========================================== FIVE NETWORKING TIPS YOU NEED TO KNOW =========================================== Tip #1 NETWORK ANYWHERE That's the beauty of this strategy. You can network in a movie line, restaurants, church, a friend's wedding, etc. Converse andcommunicate your desires to 20 people at the next social get together?those 20 people know 20 more people and so on. You get the idea. To get a jump on things, easily start with people you already know such as family and friends. The size of this network may surprise you. Tip #2 NETWORK FOR REFERRALS Remember your goal: You want the people who you network with toeventually get your resume in front of the person doing the hiring.As you network you will meet many people at various companies. Ifyou find out that a job is open at one of these companies, you willdefinitely have an advantage by saying you know so and so or evenhaving that person "refer" you in. Companies always lean more towardsinside referrals when hiring. Tip #3 DON'T BE SHY You never know who could have the perfect untapped job lead. Formany people, there is an anxiety fear of just meeting new people and starting a conversation. Its really not that bad, if someonecame up to you and started small talk, how would you feel? You wouldn't think any less of the person would you? People by nature are of a social nature. Don't be shy as it could cost you the perfectopportunity. By just dropping your name to the right person you onlyincrease your chances. Tip #4 DON'T EXPECT LEADS OVERNIGHT If you are fresh to the job market, don't expect to get a lead fromeveryone you talk to. It just doesn't work that way and not thateasily. For some contacts, it's important to build and nurture therelationship before asking about job leads. Don't be too aggressiveas that is usually a turnoff. Tip #5 NETWORK FOR THE LONG RUN Think of this as a long term career strategy. The contacts youmake will only get stronger and the people you meet make now willmove into higher positions. Once you find a job, don't let thenetwork collapse, it's important that you meet that old contact forlunch once a month or play raquetball with that old co-worker. Thisnetwork that you form now will be extremely helpful for many, manyyears to come. =========================================== QUICK NETWORKING HINTS =========================================== 1. Make an impression quickly when you first meet someone and tryand get your story across before the conversation ends. 2. Don't be aggressive and ask about job openings the first time you meet someone. Be subtle in your approach. 3. Try to get a business card, phone number, setup a future lunchdate, etc., Basically, some method of future contact or follow-up so that you can develop this further. =========================================== SOURCES TO START YOUR NETWORK =========================================== 1. College alumni association 2. Churches, parties, weddings, almost any social gathering 3. Your family (uncles, cousins, distant family) 4. Former co-workers (as they migrate into other companies) 5. Your professors, career counselors, faculty and advisors 6. Your own friends and your friends' parents or key contacts So now you have the fundamentals, start networking! Make newcontacts, find more job leads, and make some great friends along the way. This article can be read online directly at: http://www.worktree.com/newsletter/networking-for-jobs.html ==================================================== Latest WorkTree Member Testimonial: ==================================================== "This job search portal is the best, i'm finding more jobs inin half the time, I love your recruiter contact database and theability to link directly to their sites to explore for more jobs."Kernen, Salt Lake City, Utah Nathan Newberger is the job and career expert at http://www.WorkTree.com. Nathan has over 10 years experience in staffing and human resources. He has worked both as a recruiter and career counselor. Mr. Newberger has been the Managing Editor at http://www.WorkTree.com for the past 5 years and his articles have helped thousands of job seekers.
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