Are You Making These Common Job Interview Mistakes?
Going to an interview without a plan of action is like going out on a football field without a game plan. Total disaster! Suppose I were to ask you right now. "What are your skills or attributes?" Could you give a good answer? Suppose I were to ask you the question that's in every interviewer's mind. "Why should I hire you?" What would you say? All of the interviewer's questions that you will see in this section have a purpose, and that is to put solid meaning into your interview preparation. So, do study them, all of them.Interviewers have different styles, some you will like better than others. The keys to any successful interview are the four B's. Be likable Be able to give complete answers Be on time Be yourself Never forget, that first impressions are very important. They help the interviewer decide whether he or she wants to hire you or not. Please make sure that you take advantage of this tremendous information that is so powerful, that I am convinced, it will catapult your efforts. As you read the reasons for rejection given below, ask yourself how you would rate in relation to each. There are 5 areas that you as a job seeker must be aware. One high level interviewer says MOST of the applicants she sees are rejected for not attending to the items listed below. YOUR APPEARANCE Dress in clothes you would wear on the job. Wear conservative colors and avoid flashy fashions. Avoid too much jewelry or strong scents. YOUR MANNERS When you meet the interviewer, stand up, offer a strong handshake, and thank the interviewer for taking time to see you. In the interviewer's office, don't sit down until invited to do so. Address the interviewer as "Mr." Or "Ms." Unless they tell you otherwise. Accept a cup of coffee or a soft drink, if offered, but decline a cigarette or telephone, use a pay phone. If the telephone rings, don't appear to listen in to the conversation. Review your resume. If someone walks in during the interview, stand up to greet him or her. In concluding the interview, shake hands with the interviewer and again thank them for taking the time to see you. YOUR BODY LANGUAGE Stand up very straight. Do not exhibit nervous gestures by tapping your feet, drumming your fingers, twisting your hair, rocking in your chair, crossing and re-crossing your legs, etc. Take pride in who you are what you offer. YOUR ATTITUDE Attitude is the most important attribute for being hired. Through body language, facial expressions and gestures, you'll show that you are motivated to work. Look alive. Know the points you want to make and make them. Have an honest smile. Use your hands to illustrate points. Ask questions! Don't tell jokes, but do show humor. REMAIN CALM Some interviewers may seem to dislike you. Usually this isn't true. Their questions may seem personal or insulting. Don't get upset. Their job and the job you want may involve pressure. Before some interviewers offer a job, they want to see how well applicants can "take the heat". If you are offended, you may not get this job. When the interview is full of pressure, stay calm, cool, and polite. You may be tested by a "stress interview". If a question or other interviewer action truly is out of line, remind the interviewer in a polite but firm manner. Brian Stephenson is the author of, "Job Search Boot Camp", the most hard-hitting, step-by-step job search course that takes each student by the hand and shows them how to create powerful resumes that get results, stunning cover letters that command interviews, and winning interview thank you letters that get you hired? Imagine for a moment what is possible for you if you had access to these forbidden secrets. For more information on the Job Search Boot Camp course, visit http://www.JobSearchBootCamp.com
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