What Do Accountants And Doctors Have In Common?
Freshly qualified accounting graduates when asked by the interviewer "Are there any questions you want to ask?" usually respond with "What are my duties and responsibilities" Be careful. Some interviewers intentionally do not mention anything about duties and responsibilities to test the reaction of the candidates. Those less confident will show on the face. I usually respond to the candidate "You're lucky I'm the interviewer and I'm accountant by training. So I can tell you what are the duties and responsibilities of an Accountant... but what if I'm the boss. I do not know anything about accounting. A friend I know just asked me to get an Accountant as my business is growing. Now should'nt you tell me what the Accountant is supposed to do. Isn't it a profession? Didn't they teach you stuff like that in business school. Imagine if our company is hiring an in-house doctor and the candidate asks "What is a doctor suppose to do?". Another favourite question by candidates to the interviewer "Are your accounts uptodate?" I answer swiftly "No. They are quite backlogged and damn messy". And watch the reaction on the candidate's face. Some show disinterest and some insecure. And then I add "if our accounts are so beautiful and uptodate we don't need an Accountant do we?" Candidates should just learn to listen carefully and spot any potential problems given away by the interviewer during the interview. If there are, phrase your question carefully about the problem spotted and ask this during the open session. Do not think about problems you may have heard, read about or whatever from somewhere and ask the interviewer. Just remember, after two or three years you maybe the one sitting on the other end. Think about what you like in a candidate during an interview. James NK Khoo is the owner of Qwenkay Information http://www.qwenkay.coma company providing accounting and content management systems software support. He is also the publisher for Go Uncle Web http://www.gouncleweb.com, a practical online business and web oriented guide. James has been in the commercial and industrial sector for many years. If you need solid practical advice with accounts/bookkeeping or a budgeted yet decent website, contact him at james@qwenkay.com
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Prepare for Your Performance Review Before You Start the Job
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Image and Style Count
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Are You a Nice Person? What Companies are Looking for in Recruiting and Retaining Great People
Hal Rosenbluth, author of The Customer Comes Second, states; "In our selection process, kindness, caring, compassion, and unselfishness carry more weight than years on the job, an impressive salary history, and stacks of degrees."Does your company hire these types? Are you one of them? Take the following quiz to see if you are:Agree Disagree1.
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Rejection Got You Down in the Job Search?
REJECTION IN THE JOB SEARCHGOT YOU DOWN?It's true, no one wants to be ignoredor rejected in any situation. Thejob search/interview rejection ispainful.
How to Deal With Workplace Inflexibility
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5 Steps to Standing Out Above the Crowd at Work
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Staying In Shape
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5 Steps to a New Job
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Career Discovery - Pinpoint Your Ideal Career
Determine your ideal career--one that's in alignment withyour values, passions, and talents--and discover the workyou were born to doCareer discovery is the process by which a person identifiestheir ideal career path, thus saving themselves a lot oftime (and money) by not pursuing career choices that theywill ultimately find unfulfilling. To find your truecalling, you need to dig around and find the things that areimportant to you--now, and in the future.
Unemployment Blues: Staying Afloat
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Career Advice On Freelance Writing Jobs
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Dont Forget to Say, Thank You
One of the biggest mistake for job seeks is to not follow up an important interview with a thank you note to the people who interviewed them. Human Resources experts note that as few as 10% of interviewees take the time to say, "thank you.
Youre Bright And Talented -- TooT Your Own Horn --
Obviously, there are RIGHT ways to move UP the ladder. Being in the right place certainly has tremendous benefits.
Minding Your Own Business
Think you have gone as far as you can in your present job? Instead of looking around for a similar position in another company, you may want to strike out on your own as a consultant.With a greater acceptance of telecommuting and companies outsourcing a number of their functions, individuals may want to consider being an independent consultant.
Searching for an Executive Job
A job search for executives is far less complicated today than it has been in the past. Anyone who is looking for an executive job can simply look to the Internet where there are hundreds of employment websites, with many specifically geared towards executives.