Creating a Feng Shui Power Office: 6 Easy Tips to More Successful Surroundings
More and more people are looking to gain an edge in their working environments. One method that business people are increasingly turning to is feng shui. Feng shui promises that by arranging your office environment correctly, it is possible to create a better energy in your office, and that energy can promote further opportunity and advancement.
In feng shui, there are a few very basic, yet potent, guidelines to creating an effective office environment - and that can instantly boost the career quotient of almost any office inhabitant. Although, some offices may require more extensive rearrangement to help promote success, most offices only require a few modest changes. Use these suggestions to help you create your own "Power Office."
1. Sit in the power position. This is situated opposite and diagonal from the door or opening to the room. The desk should be here facing the door. Draw more emphasis to this area by creating a focal point with a lamp, artwork, tall plant, etc. This also helps create a straight line of sight to this area, imbuing even more power and authority. What's more, this corner is also considered the lucky corner of any room - so you definitely want your desk there!
2. Sit behind a power desk. A power desk is one that is substantially-sized and correctly placed. A power desk is never an L-shaped desk (the shape of which is like a cleaver or hatchet, and is thought to cut the person sitting at the desk). It also has specific dimensions.
Here are dimensions for an auspicious desk (in inches): 75Lx43WX33H or 66-70Lx24-27Wx32-33H Small desks are deemed inauspicious and thwart future growth.
3. Sit in a power chair. A good chair is one with a high back and arm rests (solid, if possible). Although the chairs that are designed for the back are very popular right now, their open weave does not provide good symbolic support for the person occupying them.
4. Put power behind you. Power includes symbols of mountains, banking or business photographs, and your boss. Be sure that your desk does not face your boss' desk, but rather, he or she is behind you -- even if he or she is on the other side of the building. This also means you should never sit with a window (no support; unless it is a window with a view to a very prominent business or bank), door (no advancement), or bookshelves (backstabbing) behind you.
5. Get power in front of you. Keep the path in front of your desk open and clear. If there are obstructions, such as chairs, etc., the path to a rise in your career will also be obstructed.
6. Activate your desk dragon. Put fresh flowers in the left-hand corner of your desk (as you are sitting at it). Or, place a plant in this corner. This is the 'dragon side' of your desk and it benefits tremendously from the special energy of plants and flowers. Never, ever put bonsai plants in your office, or your career will be stunted and short-lived. Nor should you decorate with cactus, or your career will be riddled with problems and difficult working relationships.
Kathryn Weber is a certified master practitioner in classical feng shui and the publisher of The Red Lotus Letter a weekly feng shui E-Zine. She has been featured and quoted by publications and websites, including Seventeen Magazine, First for Women, Martial Arts Professional, the Indy Star Newspaper, Self-growth.com, and Transformations.com. Log on to www.redlotusletter.com to subscribe or to contact her about a personal consultation, speaking engagement, or workshop.
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