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Resumes OR CV : Get That Job

Your resume is your sales document. It tells the world of your achievements, capabilities and roles you have enjoyed. It should standalone and represents you well. To impress your potential employers there are a few guidelines that will help you create an amazing resume.

Create a captivating covering letter - use friendly language, refer to the job advertised and allow some of your personality to show through this document.

Don't present it in plastic folders - these are bulky and expensive and your interviewer will discard the unsuccessful applicants anyway. Keep it simple, clean and stapled.

Keep it short - no more than 2-3 pages maximum. Only refer to the past 10 - 15 years experience of your career, regardless of how long you have been working.

Keep it relevant - only include details that are significant and important to help sell you.

Start the resume with a Personal Capability Statement. This is 2-3 sentences or bullet points on what you are good at, your skills and knowledge. Place it right at the top of the document so it is the first thing people see.

Place your contact information in the footer of the document so if they print it out your details are on every page. Don't dedicate a whole page to your contact information. You only need to list your name, address, mobile and email contact numbers.

Don't use italics or underlining. These can be hard to read and will make your document look messy.

Use a common 12 font i.e. Times New Roman or Arial are safe. Avoid fancy fonts that also may not work when emailing documents.

Don't use gimmicks or present it as a PowerPoint presentation - interviewers don't like this.

Use white space - don't cramp the document and this will allow the interviewer to also write notes on the document.

Avoid jargon or industry terms and acronyms. If you use acronyms always list an explanation of what that it. Not everyone is familiar with all the terms.

Don't list your job description - don't bore the reader with everything you did in the job.

List your responsibilities - make a short and relevant list of the responsibilities you had in each role.

List your achievements - many people only list their responsibilities in the resume, make sure yours stands out by listing your achievements.

Make the achievements specific - use statistics, client testimonials and comments and targeted information i.e. increased sales by 21%, received 97% on customer satisfaction survey.

Show others and get their feedback about the document - find people who understand resumes and can give you constructive feedback on your resume.

Get it edited - pay for someone to edit your document and check for spelling and grammar. This small cost will give it a professional finish.

Don't send academic transcripts, work samples - save this for the face-to-face interview.

Use positive and energetic words in your resume. Avoid clich's and look for creative ways to package what you want to say.

This document should sell you, be honest, get feedback on it and then send it out confidently for the jobs you desire.

Neen is a Global Productivity Expert: by looking at how they spend their time and energy - and where they focus their attention - Neen helps people to rocket-charge their productivity and performance. A dynamic speaker, author and corporate trainer, Neen demonstrates how boosting your productivity can help you achieve amazing things. With her unique voice, sense of fun and uncommon common-sense, Neen delivers a powerful lesson in productivity. Find out more at

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Careers  USDA Forest Service

Careers at Prairie View A&M University  Prairie View A&M University

Working for ICE  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Newsroom

Jobs  Multnomah County

Commonwealth Job Fair  Governor Tom Wolf


Work at DHS: Career Opportunities  Wisconsin Department of Health Services

Careers | Home

DLIR Hosts Job Fair for Federal Workers and Contractors  Department of Labor and Industrial Relations

Careers  Baxter

Jobs  City of Rochester (.gov)

Work at Butler  Butler University

Corporate Career Job Areas  Target Corporate

Careers at TWU  Texas Woman's University

Store Hourly Job Areas  Target Corporate

Careers and Jobs at CRS  Catholic Relief Services

Careers  Johnson & Johnson

Work With Us  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Careers  BASF

Careers at Willamette  Willamette University

Careers  Washington State University

Work for the City of St. Louis  City of St. Louis

Career Opportunities  Gilead Sciences

IOM career gateways  International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Careers at Union  Union College

Careers  West Virginia Department of Education

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Jobs for Veterans and transitioning military Home | Veterans Affairs

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Current opportunities  Turner & Townsend

Job Opportunities  Bellevue School District

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Career areas of impact  Johnson & Johnson


Work with us  JPMorgan Chase

Internship Opportunities | Careers  Boston Consulting Group

Careers at Sinai Health  Sinai Health

Students and graduates  JPMorgan Chase

Mental health at work  World Health Organization

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