Resumes OR CV : Get That Job
Your resume is your sales document. It tells the world of your achievements, capabilities and roles you have enjoyed. It should standalone and represents you well. To impress your potential employers there are a few guidelines that will help you create an amazing resume. Create a captivating covering letter - use friendly language, refer to the job advertised and allow some of your personality to show through this document. Don't present it in plastic folders - these are bulky and expensive and your interviewer will discard the unsuccessful applicants anyway. Keep it simple, clean and stapled. Keep it short - no more than 2-3 pages maximum. Only refer to the past 10 - 15 years experience of your career, regardless of how long you have been working. Keep it relevant - only include details that are significant and important to help sell you. Start the resume with a Personal Capability Statement. This is 2-3 sentences or bullet points on what you are good at, your skills and knowledge. Place it right at the top of the document so it is the first thing people see. Place your contact information in the footer of the document so if they print it out your details are on every page. Don't dedicate a whole page to your contact information. You only need to list your name, address, mobile and email contact numbers. Don't use italics or underlining. These can be hard to read and will make your document look messy. Use a common 12 font i.e. Times New Roman or Arial are safe. Avoid fancy fonts that also may not work when emailing documents. Don't use gimmicks or present it as a PowerPoint presentation - interviewers don't like this. Use white space - don't cramp the document and this will allow the interviewer to also write notes on the document. Avoid jargon or industry terms and acronyms. If you use acronyms always list an explanation of what that it. Not everyone is familiar with all the terms. Don't list your job description - don't bore the reader with everything you did in the job. List your responsibilities - make a short and relevant list of the responsibilities you had in each role. List your achievements - many people only list their responsibilities in the resume, make sure yours stands out by listing your achievements. Make the achievements specific - use statistics, client testimonials and comments and targeted information i.e. increased sales by 21%, received 97% on customer satisfaction survey. Show others and get their feedback about the document - find people who understand resumes and can give you constructive feedback on your resume. Get it edited - pay for someone to edit your document and check for spelling and grammar. This small cost will give it a professional finish. Don't send academic transcripts, work samples - save this for the face-to-face interview. Use positive and energetic words in your resume. Avoid clich's and look for creative ways to package what you want to say. This document should sell you, be honest, get feedback on it and then send it out confidently for the jobs you desire. Neen is a Global Productivity Expert: by looking at how they spend their time and energy - and where they focus their attention - Neen helps people to rocket-charge their productivity and performance. A dynamic speaker, author and corporate trainer, Neen demonstrates how boosting your productivity can help you achieve amazing things. With her unique voice, sense of fun and uncommon common-sense, Neen delivers a powerful lesson in productivity. Find out more at http://neenjames.com/
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Business Experience is YOUR Security Cover
Some may want to interpret "independent" to mean WITHOUT others. None of us are truly independent or able to make it in life alone.
Are You an Ex-career Woman Living In a New Country?
Were you once a successful, professional woman who had a significant status level and received adequate remuneration for your work?Have you re-located to a new country where the educational degree you worked so hard to achieve is neither recognized nor considered valid?As a result, have you now settled for a job for which you are overqualified and living paycheck to paycheck?If you once had a successful professional career and answered yes to the above, you probaby understand how frustrating it is, to be unable to practice your profession in a new country.The decision to immigrate to another country is a courageous act which involves leaving everything that you know and everything that makes up who you are.
Tips For Successful Job Hunting: How To Get A Job Without A Resume
I am in my mid-thirties, and, as you can imagine, I have changed and looked for jobs many times in my life. No matter how successful was in my job hunting research, I realized that there are certain ground "rules" that need to be respected; otherwise, we will not get what we want from our careers.
Planning To Work Abroad
Working abroad can be an exciting, rewarding and horizon broadening experience; and if you take the time to plan ahead carefully before you go, you will make your transition into the overseas work place a smooth and successful one.So, if you're considering relocating overseas to take up a temporary assignment or you'd like to move abroad permanently and find work there are basically three main aspects of expatriation that you need to think about before you make your move and this article examines them for you.
Surviving Unemployment Through Emotional Damage Control
Looking for work is a roller-coaster ride: high with elation when you think you've found a great position, low with discouragement when you realize that someone else was offered a job you wanted.Most of the time, you fall somewhere in between, your mood cycling from cautious optimism to keen disappointment.
Resume Writing - Things to Consider
You are looking for a job and you are out to land the job of a lifetime. It can happen! Before you consider want ads, job websites, or making inquiries of companies you are interested in, you will need a resume.
Auto-Disqualification - When Your Resume Never Reaches the Decision Maker
How would you know if your resume did or didn't reach the appropriate decision maker? You can truly never know for certain. However, there are steps you can take to ensure that your resume does not get "auto-disqualified", or provide obvious reasons not to be hired.
Resume Writing - Tips and Advice
Job-hunting is not the most exciting thing in the world but you can make it easier. The key is organization.
How to Work Effectively With Recruiters
"R-E-S-P-E-C-T / find out what it means to me" is a line made famous by Aretha Franklin, and one that recruiters have adopted as their mantra. This is probably because there is a love-hate relationship between candidates and recruiters.
Big Job Sites Vs The Small Ones
There is much to say about posting resumes on the big job sites online. There are many positives and also negatives to doing this as well.
Unemployment Survival: Creating a Sense of Security
In a time of economic downturn, international turmoil, company restructuring and corporate mergers run amok, thousands of people are either out of work or fearful of losing their jobs.Is there, then, such a thing as job security?No job, in itself, is totally secure.
How to Write a Scientific Resume
You're a scientist, you're very well educated, you're intelligent, and so writing your own rsum should be easy, correct? I mean, how hard could it be? Especially if you have written your own thesis or dissertation in the past, you may feel that you can save the $300 bucks (or however much it costs, even if it is a tax deduction!) and simply do it yourself. The answer to this may surprise you?Sometimes you can write your own rsum, and write it well.
How to Access Employers through Proposal Marketing
Use Proposal Marketing and you'll be your own hot spot, opening gateways previously inaccessible. Hook up with those who have the power to hire you.
How was your latest car wash experience?Did you take your car to a do-it-yourself car wash where you could ensure that every spot that needed to be cleaned was clean?Did you approach the car wash cautiously, checking your windows 2 and 3 times to ensure that they were firmly secure so that no water could come inside? Then carefully ease your car up to the marked line and then wait - feeling powers beyond your control begin to move your car forward and then feel trapped inside when the thunderous rush of water, soap and brushes hit your car from all directions? Or did you cheerfully approach the car wash, deposit your coins and gently guide your car into the tracks calmly and serenely.Did you wonder if you were going to get stuck in the middle and be unable to get out? Did you wonder if the machinery would break down? Did you wonder if your windows Or did you sit back comfortably in your warm cocoon, knowing that you were in good hands and that the machinery was there simply to wash away the dirt and the grime to leave your car clean and ready to go again?I was at my mom's a couple of weeks ago.
Dress For Success
You have heard the phrase, "Dress for Success." This is very important in your job search.
Bartending School Online- Earn Your Bartender Training From Home
Many young adults flock to bars, lounges and clubs on a weekly basis. They spend hundreds sometimes thousands of dollars on entertaining themselves and their friends.
Tell Me About Yourself
The need to tell people about yourself may present itself during an informal conversation with a colleague, on the Little League field with a neighbor, on the phone with a past acquaintance, or in a face-to-face meeting for a job opportunity. "Tell me about yourself" is a favorite question that has befuddled many an unsuspecting candidate.
Conducting an Effective Interview
An employment interview is a goal oriented conversation in which the interviewer and the applicant exchange information. Even though interviews are a poor selection tool for most jobs, they are often the primary method used in evaluating applicants.
Hello Work World, Im Un-Retiring
For many years, you looked forward to that day when you would bid the world of work a fond farewell and ride off into the sunset of your golden years.Initially, it felt wonderful not to have to go somewhere each morning.
Leave Your Dead End Job?For Good!
So here you are?stuck in a dead end job. Are you hitting the glass ceiling in a job you once loved, but now can't stand? Maybe the hours are long.