Yes, Ive Had Gaps In My Employment History--What To Do About It?
Yes, I've Had Gaps In My EmploymentHistory--What Can I Do About It? 1. Honestly, there is not a single personwho has not had SOME gaps in theirwork history. Anyone who says differentlyis someone who might not always tell thetruth. 2. So, you, job seeker have had someemployment gaps in your career/work life.What to do? What to do? 3. Sit down and write out what you didduring your time of unemployment. Mostpeople who are out of work do NOT spendall of their not working time in front of a TV!What you did is a measure of what yourvalues and interests are. If you loafed, where did you do your loafing? Reading,baking, driving, hanging out? WHAT DIDYOU DO AND WHY DID YOU DO IT? 4. Condense these periods of unemploymentto look for a pattern. If you were "laid off"a few times, what jobs were you doing and whywere you "laid off"? Look for skills that youused with employment gaps. There isalways a pattern of some sort when Mr. orMs Job Seeker is not looking. 5. By making sense of these gaps to and for potential new employers, you can capitalize on them to present yourself in a new light.Example: If you started a home basedbusiness while you were unemployed, butit failed, you can still be known as someonewilling to take risks; someonewho can see failure as something to notbe ashamed of. How many employers could sympathize with you? Many, I wouldguess. Failing and learning from it, is aSKILL. 6. Put those unemployment gaps together Mr. or Ms Job Seeker as if you had foundgold on a scrap heap. The gaps stillrepresent you, put them in your resumeand use them in an interview. 7. You might want to do these differently onyour next "not working gig". Put yourself towork on your self, the next time around! Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.Certified Job & Career Transition CoachPhone: (509) 469-3514Email: doitnow@nwinfo.netWeb: http://www.doitnowcareers.info
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Thank-You Notes: An Integral Part of Your Career Design
There is one little practice that is vital to generating the interest of potential employers. It is critical, but very few job seekers actually do it.
Losing a Career When Youre Moving for Love
Those who watched HBO's Sex and the City (SATC, now available on DVD) know the last eight episodes were less about sex and more about city. And the last three episodes, taken together could serve as a case study for a decision faced by many clients Should I follow my heart or hang on to my job?Whether you want to move to be closer to aging parents, or follow a lover into a new life, the stakes are extremely high.
Is a Career Change on Your Horizon?
Making a career change is nothing new in today's job market.I've heard it said that the average American changescareers at least once in his or her life.
Mastering The Lunch Interview
Interviews can be nerve-racking, brain-draining, headache-inducingexperiences. These days, recruiters have found a way to make theinterview even more difficult by combining the experience with ameal.
How to Create a Great Electronic Resume
After creating the perfect resume, you then need todistribute it. You'll likely be sending some professionallyprinted hard copies, especially to "A list" companies ororganizations you've set your sights on.
Get Inspired About Your Career
Get Inspired about Your CareerDo you linger in bed long after your alarm goes off on work mornings? Do you dread Sunday nights because they lead to Monday mornings? Do you watch the clock and wonder if the day will ever end? Do you look outside your workplace and ask, "Is there more to life than just this job?"If you suffer from any of these symptoms, it is time for you to create a new career! In her CD book, Advanced Energy Anatomy, Carolyn Myss, Ph.D.
What Everybody Ought To Know About How To Change Their Career or Profession and Still Survive...
Dr. Denis Waitley, trainer of leaders, including Super Bowl and Olympic athletes, Apollo astronauts, and Fortune 500 executives, is the most listened to voice on personal and career achievement and the author of the all-time best-seller, The Psychology of Winning claims that the 21st century is unlike anything we could have imaged.
Hiring the OverQualified Employee or Mining for Gold
I am having a hard time understanding why a valuable resource such as the "over qualified employee is having such a hard time getting a job. Something seems to be out of whack here.
Writing a Resume: To Template or Not To Template?
Are free resume templates a viable answer to preparing akiller resume?It's a fact that if your resume doesn't stand out--both interms of content AND appearance-- you'll find it verydifficult to get the job you seek.Hiring managers get hundreds of resumes for every openposition, but usually have time to interview only a handfulof applicants.
Changing Careers? How to Get Around the Three Major Mental Roadblocks to Success
A part of you can't wait to dive into your new career -- but you're also smart enough to know that you can expect a few bumps along the road to success. By far, the biggest roadblocks exist between your own two ears!
Let's take a look at three common mental roadblocks and learn how to overcome them.
What Students and Parents MUST Know about Student Loans
A student loan helps you get through college. Then youcome out into a high-paying career.
Job Hunting: Its Still The First Impression Stupid!
In the 1992 USA Presidential election, political strategist James Carville hung a sign in Bill Clinton's Little Rock campaign office that read, "It's still the economy, stupid." His intent? Simply to keep everybody focused on the most important issue of the day.
Wanted: A Diva for the Job of a Lifetime!
"When I was a child, I always thought the world was mine, A stomping ground for me, full of opportunities. I always had this attitude that I was going to go out into the world and do all the things I wanted to do.
Serious Business Networking
As they always say "It's not what you know, it's who you know."Of course just knowing people doesn't necessarily get you the job, or the promotion, or the contract you wanted, but it certainly can help; so long as people don't think you are using them.
Job Interviews -- The Real Reasons Why You Need to Follow Up
Effective follow-up after a job interview is often a key reason why someone gets a job, even though there are other equally qualified candidates. Many candidates treat follow up as an optional add-on to their job search.
Brainteasers: Or, How Many Crazy Interview Questions Does It Take to Get Hired?
You've looked at all the job interview tips and techniques. Did your homework and studied all the potential employer interview questions you may be asked.
Resume Layouts ... The Hidden Pitfalls
Options for Resume LayoutsThere are many options of available to today's job seeker. With a quick change of graphical elements such as fonts and style, the feel of a resume can change from traditional and conservative to creative and modern.
Waiting for Lightening to Strike
Author and management guru, Peter Drucker says, "People adjust to the level of demands made on them." I would add, we also adjust to the level we demand of ourselves.
How To Stay Calm in Tryng Times
That's not you? Great! Bad habits are hard to break once the addiction gets hold of us. Been there.
Does Retirement Fit Into Your Busy Schedule?
Why do you work?Stop and think about it. Other than the income you derive from the various tasks and responsibilities you perform on the job, are there any other reasons you get up every morning before the birds do, drive your car in rush-hour traffic, get into the office and go to several meetings throughout the day that have yet to change life as we know it, and sit at your desk going through all the things you need to go through that are a part of what's been called, work?You've been doing this for a long time.